Clever management of edible fungus pests and diseases

The use of pests to prevent and control (1) can be used to artificially capture mosquitoes; (2) the occurrence of fleas mosquito bags exposed to sunlight for 1-2 hours or sprinkled with lime powder, can effectively kill fleas. Trapping: (1) mosquito moths can be trapped with black lights or energy-saving lamps by placing 0.1% of dichlorvos in the basin under the lamp, and the insects are killed when they fall into the pot; (2) Placing the paint in a strong light The armyworm board with 40% polypropylene can trap armyworms. Aspergillus prevention and treatment: (1) timely removal of waste; (2) materials can not be in contact with the tampon when bottled, washed bottle after the completion of the bottle to remove debris, keep the tampon clean; (3) mushroom harvesting After application, 5 ppm of carbendazim was applied. Prevention and control of green mold: (1) reduce the temperature and humidity of the mushroom house, increase the amount of ventilation, cover the places with mold and fungal ash, and stop the spread of mold spores; (2) take 9 parts of lime, 1 part of carbendazim, Mix well with water and apply to the mold; (3) When raw material is cultivated, add 100 mg of clomodrulin to 100 kg of dry material to completely prevent the growth of mold; (4) Sprinkle potassium permanganate particles in the mold. Afterwards, water is sprayed on the periphery; (5) soak mold with 5% lime water, drain off lime water after the mold disappears, and make up new material; (6) apply 95% alcohol or kerosene at the mold, and ignite Burn it out and remove it to fill in the new material. Bacteria control: (1) The culture medium must be completely sterilized, the temperature, pressure, and time must meet the requirements for sterilization; (2) After the culture medium is prepared, put it in a 30°C incubator for one day before use. Ensure that there is no bacterial infection medium; (3) antibiotics can be added to the medium, generally 100-200 units per milliliter is appropriate.