Ewe word for breeding

Breeding the ewes is the basis for the normal development of the flock. Good or bad feeding is an important factor that determines whether the flock can develop and whether the quality can be improved and improved. The breeding ewes need not only have good growth and development, but also have high fertility. They also need to have high fertility, be able to conceive normally, produce the weight of the newly born fetus, have good growth and development, and have a high survival rate of lambs. In order to achieve these goals, the breeding ewes should be well-fed and managed during the pre-harvest, pre-pregnancy, post-pregnancy and lactation periods, respectively.

The pre-match period mainly ensures that the ewes have a good body condition and can normally estrus, ovulate, and conceive. The quality of nutrition is an important factor affecting the normal estrus and conception of ewe. Therefore, short-term superior feeding is started 1 to 1.5 months before mating, so that the ewes get enough protein, minerals and vitamins to maintain a good body condition. This can make the ewes early estrus, multiple ovulation, estrus and tidy, concentrated lambing period, increase the rate of conception and multi-crop rate.

The gestation period of the pre-pregnancy ewes is 5 months. The first 3 months are called the pre-pregnancy period. In this period, the pregnant ewes need to meet the nutrients they need, but also to meet the nutrients needed for the growth and development of the fetus.

The second trimester is the first two months before the ewes are born. During this period, the fetus grows rapidly in the mother's body, and 90% of the weight of the femur is increased during this period. The fetus's bones, muscles, skin, and internal organs grow faster and faster, requiring more nutrients, And the quality is high. Feeds containing protein, vitamins, and minerals, such as green, hay, bean cake, bone meal, salt, etc., should be supplemented. Every sheep feeds 025-0.5 kg of mixed feed every day. If the ewes are undernourished in the later stages of pregnancy, fetal development will be greatly affected, resulting in primary birth weight, poor resistance, and low survival rate.

The status of the ewes during lactation was weak after giving birth to lambs, and feeding should be strengthened. Supplemented feeds have high nutritional value and are easily digested, so that the ewes can return to health and have sufficient milk. At the beginning of lactation, it is mainly to ensure that the lactating function is normal, and to carefully observe and care for the ewes and lambs. More care should be given to ewes with more lambs, and more high quality hay and mixed feeds should be fed. The period of lactation is generally 30 to 45 days after childbirth. During the period when the amount of lactation is increasing, various nutrients stored in the body are continuously reduced and the body weight is also decreased. At this stage, feeding conditions have a great influence on the amount of lactation. Ewes should be given the most superior feed conditions. With the best diet, the level of dietary levels can be adjusted according to the amount of lactation. Generally, every day A sheep feeds 2 kg of succulent feed and 0.25 kg of mixed feed. During the late lactation, gradually reduce the nutritional level and control the amount of mixed feed.

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