Fox insemination work program

Organizing and arranging fox artificial insemination work should be based on the principles of simplicity, practicality, effectiveness and strictness.

1, simple: refers to the operation and equipment selection and placement simple and easy to operate, so that all aspects of the technology can be successfully implemented and completed;

2. Practical: It is necessary to proceed from the actual situation of the field, reasonably purchase equipment and equipment according to the quantity and technical requirements of the species fox, and arrange technical personnel (including auxiliary personnel and auxiliary facilities) to reduce unnecessary waste;

3, effective: refers to all the work arrangements of artificial insemination should focus on how to improve the concept of female fox conception rate, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the scientific arrangements, so that it can be carried out in accordance with the standard, especially in the identification of the female fox heat, mining Skilled and inseminated personnel must have reliable practical work experience and a serious and responsible spirit;

4. Strict: All links forming the artificial insemination technology are equally important to the conception of the female fox. Tiny negligence may cause the entire operation to fall short. Therefore, the operator must always remind himself to cultivate a serious work style. It is not necessary to be lucky or deluded. Because any mistake will bring economic losses to production. Contamination and repeated use of the device and semen contamination can cause infection of female fox reproductive organs. Although infection problems are sometimes difficult to eliminate for large-scale artificial insemination, operators can pay attention to observation and timely detection of diseased animals and take certain measures. Preventive measures to avoid cross-infection, or can be controlled.

The criterion for evaluating the performance of artificial insemination is the conception rate of the mother beast. In terms of keeping the fox, the fertility rate and breeding rate of the female fox can ultimately reflect economic benefits. Improving economic efficiency is a prerequisite for the promotion of the use of artificial insemination technology. Therefore, all arrangements for artificial insemination procedures should be practical and effective around this goal. There are many factors that affect the fertility rate of female foxes in artificial insemination. The normal physiology rules of foxes should be followed. Under the premise of doing a good job of breeding, the conditions of male and female foxes should be properly adjusted, and strict management and technical staff should be added. The fertility rate of female foxes by artificial insemination can fully meet or exceed the natural mating level.

The first step: adjustment and colonization of foxes

Based on the actual capabilities of the market and available funds, the number of female foxes that are ready to participate in breeding this year should be determined first, and the body condition of female foxes should be reasonably adjusted according to the breeding standards so that they can meet the requirements for participating in mating and eliminate foxes that do not meet the standards ( Including last year's empty, abortion, ate, no milk or milk, infection and other diseases, etc.). According to the number of species of fox kept, prepare a kind of male fox. The following ratios can be referenced: Blue fox pure breeding and improvement by blue fox: Blue fox = 1:30; silver blue hybrid by silver fox: blue fox =1:15 to 20 (of which Silver Fox should use methotrexate or regular light control). The condition of the male fox should be gradually adjusted from the end of August to the end of August. After entering November, sufficient nutrition must be given.

The second step: staffing

Mainly managers, technicians and support staff. A large-scale fox farm should have a special manager who is responsible for coordinating the technical staff and supporting staff and the cooperative relationship between the breeder and the animal, including daily staffing arrangements, time schedules, and the purchase and maintenance of equipment and equipment. Managers should work with the technicians involved in the operation and agree to do all the preparations. The chief technicians (acquisitioners for sperm extraction, insemination and estrus identification) must have rich practical experience. Those who have been introduced by others must obtain research on their previous achievements. A qualified technician, in addition to his hands-on capabilities, should have some theoretical knowledge and the ability to analyze problems and solve problems. Staffing can be referred to as follows:

(1) Main technicians: 1, one insemination task for 2000-6000 female foxes per breeding season;

(2) Assistant: 1 technician who assists the technician, who is responsible for the scrubbing and disinfection of equipment, indoor sanitation, sperm collection and insemination records;

(3) Female fox estrus inspectors: 1 to 2 people. The number of the staff should be based on the specific conditions of the number of foxes and their working ability. It is better to train bred people to be able to manage themselves when conditions permit. The status of the female fox estrus is to be determined initially.

(4) Baoding staff: 1 full-time in the operating room Baoding for sperm and insemination fox (other personnel shall not enter).

Therefore, the number of fox artificial insemination work needs to be completed by 4 people. The work should be consistent and unified.

The third step: operation room setup and equipment

This work should be ready before the start of breeding, the position of the insemination room should be located in the upwind direction near the breeding area, keep a certain distance from the breeding area, and set off the partition. The indoor environment focuses on hygiene, temperature and protection from light. All layouts should be based on the principles of epidemic prevention and easy operation. The required equipment should be properly installed and debugged. Scrubbing and disinfection should be handled strictly in accordance with requirements.

The fourth step: work arrangements and operating procedures

1. Test of reproductive performance of male foxes

This work was completed one week prior to the forecast of the female fox. To collect all the female foxes once, the semen samples were routinely examined by the laboratory. The purpose was twofold: one was to eliminate sperm that had deteriorated in the epididymis, and the other was to eliminate male foxes with inferior sperm quality in order to supplement them in time. It is worth noting that we cannot eliminate the male fox with the result of a single sperm retrieval. We should use the result of repeated semen collection every 2 to 3 days as a basis for selection. We must also note that some young male foxes may be slightly inferior in their initial sperm collection. In addition, through the detection of early detection of some of the male fox reproductive organs malformations and inflammation, such as: laceration, dermatitis and orchitis. The former can be surgically cut, and the latter needs to be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics.

2, the identification of female foxes

In large-scale breeding foxes, this work is a key link in the artificial insemination technology operation that requires a lot of manpower and time, and it is the most prone to mistakes, especially in the heat of mother fox. With our traditional vulva observation and inspection methods for the situation, even technicians with many years of experience experience deviations due to abrupt increases in workload and time constraints, and miss the best infusion time (early or Postponed). This is the main reason for the low fertility rate of female foxes in some large-scale fox farms. In fact, well-conditioned female foxes are mostly concentrated in heat within a certain period of time (prosperous estrus). These female foxes should have received a higher rate of pregnancy. It determines the breeding performance of a fox farm, but in actual work. The problem is often these mother foxes. Check the birth record and you will really understand how to arrange this work before the next breeding season.

After estrus detection, determine the female fox who is ready to inseminate, report the number to the insemination room, and the inseminate will arrange other work. This is the first step of the daily work.

3, access to semen

Hand massage method is widely used because of its simple operation and good semen quality. According to the number of female foxes and the progress of their heat, the collection time and the frequency of collecting foxes are reasonably arranged so as to make full use of foxes. This is an important part of breeding and production of products. In addition to the physical characteristics of the high-quality male fox, the most important is its genetic performance (later represents the present). In order to be able to provide a large number of highly active spermatozoa in actual work. Regarding the genetic properties of the male fox and the fertilizing ability of its sperm, there are differences between different male foxes (Liu Zhiping, 1999), and attention must be paid to it.

When arranging the intensive collection of male foxes, plan to reserve the male fox (according to the expected number of female foxes) that can be used for sperm extraction in the next 1 to 2 days. The total number of spermatozoa acquired each day should be sufficient to allow each female fox to enter a sufficient amount of sperm (70 million) while avoiding unnecessary waste. For high-quality male foxes, their superior genes should be fully spread. Therefore, under the premise of ensuring that their semen quality is not affected, they should be used to their fullest extent (because sound extraction does not adversely affect the male fox), while semen Poor quality foxes are used as little or as little as possible.

4, semen quality inspection

In actual work, the number of effective sperm contained in each semen is calculated based on the amount of sperm collected, sperm density, and sperm motility (semen sperm concentration and sperm motility), so as to determine the fraction of sperm available for insemination, it should be accurate. rapid. High concentrations of semen can be tested at low dilutions first. Important indicators are sperm motility. When it is less than 0.7, disposal should be carried out. Qualified semen should be quickly diluted and stored. The semen collected every time must be checked because even the results of two ejaculates from the same male fox may be different.

5, semen dilution and preservation

The purpose of the dilution of the semen is to protect the sperm, in addition to the expansion capacity. Therefore, the diluent must be of a quality. Although the effect of 30-fold dilution on the sperm preservation time was not significantly different (Liu Zhiping 2003), it must be ensured that the density of the diluted semen sperm should not be less than 100 million. Regardless of the use of any diluent or no diluent, the sperm's viability will gradually decrease with the extension of the preservation time (Liu Zhiping, 2000). Therefore, the sperm should be kept in vitro as soon as possible, and insemination should be performed as soon as possible. When time permits, pick a copy of the semen and take the next one.

6, insemination

Intrauterine insemination requires that the site of insemination must be accurate. It should be possible to reduce the damage to the reproductive organs of the female fox as much as possible. Use high-quality equipment. At the same time, rough operation or inserting the insemination device too deeply should be used. Similarly, although the frequency of insemination can be increased, To compensate for the estrus identification, but no doubt will increase the chance of damage to the uterus, it should be controlled in less than 3 times. Excessive insemination volume (more than 1 ml) can cause semen to flow from the uterus and reduce the number of effective spermatozoa input. Experience has shown that a 0.7 ml insemination dose is appropriate.

To sum up, the daily work must first accurately find foxes from the entire fox, and the inspectors must be careful and quickly affirmed. This requires the combination of various appearances of different individual foxes on the basis of past experience. Phenomenon, with a variety of detection methods (intra-vaginal resistance and keratinocyte changes) for the final judgment. After obtaining the number of female foxes who are ready to inseminate on that day, the insemination room first predicts which of the male foxes will be used today. This requires the amount of sperm that sperm extractors can provide for each fox of the entire fox house. To understand, especially close to the prosperous mother fox, you must plan.

For breeding needs, it is sometimes necessary to continuously collect the same male fox (daily, two days, and one day off) or adopt a method of inseminating the female fox every other day. At the same time, the blood relationship between male and female fox should be adjusted to avoid close relatives. Reproduction. Once the supply of semen is insufficient, it is preferable to reduce the number of inseminations per female fox (because only one insemination can also obtain a higher rate of conception, but must accurately identify the female foetus) and do not allow the quality of each insemination dose of semen. The standard is reduced. After the semen is harvested, it should be checked and diluted in the shortest possible time, and then imported into the uterus of the female fox as soon as possible.

Fox artificial insemination technology operation process:

The adjustment and grouping of foxes - the setting of staff - the setting and equipment between operations - the reproduction performance of male foxes - the identification of female foxes - the collection of semen - the detection of semen quality - the dilution and preservation of semen - Intrauterine insemination

In short, fox artificial insemination technology must grasp the three-word principle: stable! quasi! fast!

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