Fritillaria pest control technology

Botrytis cinerea: Botrytis cinerea is a major disease of Fritillaria sinensis, and it is mainly responsible for stems and leaves. The lesions on the leaves are light brown dots, which later expand into oval or irregular lesions. There are obvious water-stained rings on the edges and the formation of long gray large spots is continuously expanded. Stem lesion gray. Lesions produce gray molds when the temperature and humidity are appropriate. It usually begins in late March and ends in mid-April. Because of the long-term continuous cropping in Xinyi Town and other places in our county, the disease occurred early and the damage was serious. Control methods: 1 Implement rotation for more than 2 years; 2 Remove the sick plants in time, burn them in a concentrated manner, and after the harvest, clean up the fields and burn the ground; 3 Apply more organic fertilizer and less fertilizer, especially nitrogen fertilizer, apply appropriate phosphorus, Potassium fertilizer to enhance plant resistance to disease; 4 Drain the drains in time to reduce the humidity in the field in the rainy season; 5 Chemical control: before the disease occurs or at the beginning of the disease, it can be used: it can kill 2000 type 1200 times liquid; 50% isoniatol urea 1000-1500 Times; 75% chlorothalonil 600 times and other pesticides. After the occurrence of the disease can be used: 20% triadimefon 1000 times; 50% carbendazim 600 times; 48% gray force grams 600 times; 50% speed Keling 1000 times and other liquid spray control. Black spot disease: The rainy year is often afflicted. It mainly damages the leaves. After the diseased leaves, it begins to develop from the tip of the leaf. The leaf color becomes light, showing watery brown spots, and there is a clear boundary between the disease and the health department. Halo circle. It began to occur in late March. The pathogens used mycelium to survive winter in the soil with the diseased tissue and re-infested the next year. Control methods: 1 agricultural measures with gray mold; 2 chemical control: optional 20% Health Po 1000 times; 80% Daoxue 800 times; 50% iprodione urea 1000 times; 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000 times and other pesticides alternately control . Dry rot: dry rot mainly damages bulbs of Fritillaria. Symptoms: The scales of the victim's bulb are brown and rumpled, and the base of the scale is blue-brown. Sometimes the scales rot into hollows. Incidence of the law: Pathogens know about the subphylum. Soil carriers are the primary source of infestation, and the damage is heavier from June to August. It mainly damages the bulbs of Fritillaria sinensis and Fritillaria. Improper interplanting on the ground, high water content in bulbs, or excessive soil in over-summer fields can easily lead to disease. Control methods: 1 Select the appropriate predecessor, general selection before as a gramineous crop; 2 select disease-free bulbs for planting; 3 before the next species can be used 40% formalin 30 times soaked bulbs 1 hour, can also be used 50% Carbendazim 1000 times soaked bulbs for half an hour.蛴螬 蛴螬 蛴螬 蛴螬 蛴螬 蛴螬 is a larvae of chafers, and in mid-April, a small amount damages Fritillaria Fritillaria bulbs. During the end of November, the damage is the most prosperous. After mid-November, the damage was stopped. The damaged bulbs were numbed and even severely crunched. The prevention and control methods are watered with 90% trichlorfon 1000-1500 times, and can also be manually killed during site preparation. (Zhejiang Chunan County Institute of Chinese Medicinal Materials (322300) Zhou Xiaolong)

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