Identification and control of several gray vegetables in greenhouse vegetables

Botrytis cinerea is an important disease commonly occurring in protected cultivation. Shed cucumber, tomato, eggplant and leeks are easily planted in the shed, and it is easy to cause diseases. The lighter person reduces the production by 20%-30% and the heavier person loses more than 50%. Therefore, the greenhouse vegetable must grasp the prevention of gray mold. First, the symptoms of identification 1, cucumber gray mold mainly harm flowers, melons, leaves, stems, and more from the infiltration of female flowers withered, causing flowers to decay, grow brown-brown mold layer. The disease spreads to the young larvae, which makes the melon strips soft, rot and shrink. The diseased part first yellows, then grows white mold and gradually turns pale gray. The diseased melons stop growing, and finally they rot and fall off. Large patches of 20-25 mm in diameter are often formed on the leaves. The edges are obvious, and sometimes the lesions grow a small amount of brownish brown mold. After the onset of vine vines, the vines were broken, causing rot. 2. Botrytis cinerea mainly damages fruits, firstly infects from the remaining flowers or receptacles, then spreads to the fruits or pedicels, makes the skin become grayish water stains, becomes soft and rot; later on the fruit surface, scapes and pedicels A large number of brownish brown mold layers appeared and the fruit became dehydrated and rigid. Tomato gray mold also harms the stems and leaves, and the adult stage lesions are seen in the leaves, and develop from the edge to the inside in a “V” shape, and produce the same ring shade with a small amount of gray mold on the surface, and the leaves finally die. 3, eggplant gray mold disease incidence, the tip of the cotyledon withered, after the expansion of the young stems contraction and thinning, from the disease Department died of dead, true leaf disease appeared near the round brown lesions, after the leaves or stems are grown Botrytis cinerea, causing the disease department to rot. In the adult stage, the fruit is mainly damaged, and the leaves and stems can also be affected. Onset of young fruit, the part around the fruit peduncle first grows a small, brownish-spotted lesion of the size of the finger. After enlargement, it rots and rots, resulting in rouleau-like or irregular gray moldy material on the surface. On diseased leaves, brown-brown large round spots or irregular lesions are generated on the leaf margins or leaves, and dense gray molds are produced on the leaves. Severe stalks and petioles can also cause lesions. When wet, plaques form on the lesions. 4. Gray mold of leeks mainly damages the leaves, gradually produces grayish-brown to small white spots from the tip, both upper and lower sides, expanding to oval or spindle-shaped lesions, and merging into large dead spots, often half Leaves scorch to the entire leaf. When the air is wet, the diseased area produces a gray or gray green mold layer. It is also possible to form semi-circular or "V"-shaped lesions at the knife edge, which is yellowish-brown and has a layer of brown mold on the surface, causing rot in the whole cluster and severe death. Second, comprehensive prevention and control measures Low temperature, low light and high humidity are the necessary conditions for the occurrence of vegetable gray mold, of which humidity is the dominant factor in the incidence. Due to the stable ecological conditions of greenhouses and greenhouses in winter and spring, diseases are prone to occur. The following measures should be taken to control botrytis cinerea. 1. Reasonably apply fertilizers to increase the maturity of organic horses, do a good job of formula fertilization, attach importance to the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, cultivate strong seedlings, and improve the disease resistance of plants. 2. Adopt scientific ventilation and light transmission measures to keep the film surface clean and increase the light transmittance. Properly dense planting, reducing shading and improving lighting conditions. Timely ventilation reduces the humidity in the booth. It is required to maintain a high temperature in the morning to dew the water on the top of the roof, and to prolong the air release time in the afternoon. During the night, especially during the second half of the night, the temperature should be appropriately increased to avoid condensation of the plants. 3, a reasonable watering watering should be selected in the sunny, to avoid watering in the rainy days, at the same time to control the amount of water to minimize the humidity. 4, timely removal of diseased bodies on diseased leaves, diseased fruit and diseased branches should be promptly removed, packed in plastic bags, out of the shed to focus on treatment to prevent the bacteria from re-infection. 5, do a good job of chemical control agents to control smoke, spray and dust application method. Smoke can be smoked with 10% fast Keling smoke agent or 45% chlorothalonil smoke agent or 15% carbendazim smoke agent, 200-250 grams per acre, placed in the evening hours, lit immediately after being ignited with dark fire Smoke one night, open the next day ventilation. The dust application was to spray 5% chlorothalonil dust agent in the evening, spraying 1 kg per mu, and then closing the shelter overnight after spraying. The spray is to use 40% of the available Baifen wettable powder 1500-2000 times, 50% quick-inking wettable powder 1000-1500 times, 50% acetaminophen wettable powder 1000 times, 75% chlorothalonil wettable Powder or 60% anti-mildew treasure super wettable powder 600 times liquid, should be selected to spray in sunny morning, after spraying, timely ventilation, reduce humidity. Smoke and dust application effect is better than spray, because it does not increase humidity, prevention is more thorough. In addition, tomatoes and eggplants can be mixed with 50% Scrokton WP or 50% Propionine WP 1000 times when they are stained with 2,4-D to prevent germs from infecting. , Has a good effect of prevention and control, both to protect the fruit and save labor and drugs. Drug control should be started at the beginning of the disease. It should be administered once every 7 days or so. It is best to use 2-3 times of continuous medication.

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