Peanuts, soybeans, mung beans, and Ziyun are beneficial for applying molybdenum

Peanuts, soybeans, mung beans, and purple Yunying are molybdenum-promoting crops. Although the amount is small, they are very sensitive to molybdenum. The lack of molybdenum will make these crops unable to obtain high quality and high yields. The most important role of molybdenum on the physiological functions of crops is twofold: First, it promotes nitrogen metabolism in crops and improves nitrogen nutrition conditions in crops. Nitrate absorbed by crops must be reduced to ammonia to be assimilated by crops, and molybdenum is an important component of nitrate reductase. The second is to participate in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by fixed nitrogen bacteria, because molybdenum is an important part of nitrogenase. Therefore, molybdenum after the above-mentioned crops can significantly enhance the vitality and nitrogen fixation of rhizobia, promote the synthesis of proteins, promote the flowering, fertilization, and fullness of crops, and have greater potential for yield increase. Especially for motile sand-like soils with molybdenum-deficient granites and gneisses, the application of molybdenum is more effective. According to the results of trials and demonstrations conducted in the counties and cities of Hubei Province, including Fuyang, Zaoyang, and Gucheng, the difference between application and non-application of molybdenum is particularly evident: peanuts, soybeans, mung beans, and purple Yunying are applied to molybdenum fertilizers after a single crop. Nodule nodule increased by 13.7, 9.5-28, 14.5, and 0.44 respectively compared with no molybdenum fertilizer. The average yield was 22.8%, 14.1%, 13.9%, and 44%, respectively, and 15-30 times earnings were obtained. Significant economic benefits. Molybdenum fertilizer is applied to the above crops. In addition to seed dressing or soaking before sowing, foliar spraying is generally advocated. Because the micro-application effect of molybdenum is the most significant, and spraying is conducive to the absorption of crop leaves and flower organs, but also conducive to the play of the fertilizer effect of molybdenum fertilizer, while spraying molybdenum fertilizer is simple and easy to implement. The molybdenum fertilizers currently used are mainly ammonium molybdate. When spraying, it is necessary to control every 10-15 grams of ammonium molybdate to 30-40 kg of water, and apply one mu of land. Spraying can be performed at the early flowering stage and early fruiting stage. Spraying should avoid strong sunlight or rain at noon, and be fully dissolved, with the use of acid.