Prevention of infectious bronchitis in Sanhuang Chicken

First, the cause of the disease

Farmers in the production process of each batch of commercial chickens interval time is relatively short, disinfection is not complete, resulting in the virus remains in the chicken house, germs in a certain temperature and humidity conditions infected chicks. If large and small chickens are polycultured in the same place, they will be transmitted to another chicken group once it develops. If the temperature in the house is too low or the temperature in the house is too large, the disease will be induced. In addition, the chicken droppings in the chicken house are piled up too much, the ammonia gas is too strong, and the chicken is frightened and susceptible to respiratory diseases.

Second, the clinical symptoms

Respiratory type

The appetite of diseased chickens is eliminated, feathers are loose, and body temperature rises. Mainly as follows: mouth breathing, cough, tracheal rales, common nasal discharge, tears shake.

2. Kidney type

The initial symptoms of short-term mild respiratory symptoms, and then a sudden large number of chicken disease, anorexia, thirst, arched back together, while draining water samples of white loose stools, the mortality rate of 30%, dissection of chicken found pale kidney swelling, lobular prominent, A large number of kidneys deposit urate and appear "Plasma kidney".

Third, preventive measures

Before entering the house, chicks must be strictly sterilized. The fumigation of formaldehyde is generally used. The concentration should be increased, and the doors and windows should be closed for more than 24 hours. Pay attention to ventilation during the breeding process. When mastering the temperature of chicken houses, it is generally based on past experience and pay attention to the distribution of chickens. If the temperature is suitable, the chickens are distributed evenly, otherwise the birds crowd together. It is best to use the all-in, all-out approach in breeding, not to raise large and small chickens at the same time to avoid mutual infection. Vaccination with infectious bronchitis attenuated vaccine is a good way to prevent this disease. The H120 vaccine is suitable for newborn chickens and the H52 vaccine is intended for use in chickens over 1 month of age. The vaccine was diluted 10 times with normal saline, distilled water or cold boiled water. The nasal drops were used for immunization. Large groups of chickens were immunized with drinking water. Before drinking, the water was controlled for 5 to 10 hours, the winter time was longer, and the summer time was shorter.

Fourth, treatment

There is no good medication for infectious bronchitis and prevention is the mainstay. Found that the chicken disease occurred, it is recommended to use Chinese herbs mixed with feed or drinking water, in addition to appropriate increase in antiviral drugs have a certain effect. For example, use the throat granules per liter of water plus 0.5 grams, twice a day, drink 2 to 3 hours before drinking, 3 to 5 days for a course of treatment, severe dose doubled. Aowei Achi oral solution has a certain effect; this product is used for prevention of 1000 milliliters of water 2000 kilograms, the treatment amount of 1000 milliliters of water to 1200 kilograms, severe increase in the product dosage of 10% to 15%.

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