Reasonably feed the province feed prevention

Now, some shrimp farmers in South America think it's a simple matter to feed the feed. Just spread the feed to the pond and it's time to do it. Actually, the feed for white shrimp is delicate. Scientific and reasonable feeding not only saves Feed can also prevent the occurrence of diseases.

First, clear wild fish

There are many wild fish and miscellaneous shrimps in the pond. They compete with South American white shrimp for bait, and even eat white shrimp. Low-quality fish and shrimp compete for feed, which will reduce the feed utilization rate. Therefore, they should be taken care of by removing them. 20 to 30 cm of water, per acre with lime 150 kg of pulp after Quanchiposa completely clear pond disinfection, kill the pool of wild fish. Add filter bags when entering the water to prevent wild fish from entering the pool with water.

Second, the correct choice of feed

1. To select the regular manufacturers of South American white shrimp feed, the feed formula is reasonable, can ensure rapid growth of shrimp, avoid feed waste. Do not use other shrimp substitutes.

2. Pay attention to fertilization in the early stage of cultivation and cultivate biological communities that are beneficial to shrimp growth, such as benthic organisms and plankton. In addition, some beneficial food organisms can be transplanted into the pond so that less or no feeding can be done. With the consumption of the basic food, some pathogen-free live bait and shrimp special compound feeds can be fed, and then gradually transition to investment. Feed the white prawns feed specifically to save part of the feed.

3. In the later period of culture, the high incidence period of shrimp disease has passed. Feeding fresh feed has not caused a large number of shrimp diseases, and it can feed some fresh live bait according to the local feed sources to save the cost of bait. But pay attention to the feed must be fresh, not spoilage.

Third, keep the water fresh

Shrimp first raises water, and the quality of the water affects the body color, the speed of growth, and the feed coefficient of the shrimp. Penaeus vannamei enjoys fresh water quality, good water quality, rapid growth of shrimp, less disease, and can make full use of bait, reducing the feed coefficient, so the culture of white shrimp should be adjusted to maintain water quality. General requirements for water is yellow-green, transparency 30 to 40 cm, dissolved oxygen 4 mg/l or better.

Fourth, master the feeding techniques

1. A small number of times: According to the shrimp's feeding habits and growth characteristics, adhere to the principle of a small number of multiple times, and the amount of feed at different times is not the same, generally 30% of the feed at 7:00, 11:00 Vote for 10%, vote for 40% at 18:00 and 20% at 23:00. Normal farmers vote twice a day, sooner or later each time, the effect is not a few times better.

2. Grasp the appropriate amount of feed: The amount of bait is more difficult to grasp, causing too much feed wastage, too little shrimp is not enough to eat, is not conducive to growth. A more practical approach is to set up a bait station, set up several bait stations along the pool, evenly throw it along the pool when feeding, check the feeding condition of the shrimp after feeding for 2 hours, under normal circumstances if the stomach rate accounts for 60%~ 70%, then the feeding is reasonable, if the stomach rate is too high, the feeding amount is reduced; if the stomach filling rate is too low, the feeding amount is increased.

3. Feeding according to the weather conditions: The weather is clear, and the wind and warm days are fed; the weather is not good, the rain is overcast, and when the weather is hot or cold, there is little or no feeding.

4. According to shrimp feeding: according to the growth of shrimp and whether the disease to control the amount of feeding. Shrimp grows vigorously and is fed properly when there is no disease, but it is fed less when it is not. Shrimp is fed less when it is shelled, and it is fed after one day.

5. Feed according to water temperature: Feed less when the water temperature is below 18°C ​​or above 32°C, and feed more when it is 25~30°C.

6. Feeding according to water quality conditions: Fresh water quality, adequate supply of dissolved oxygen, shrimp feeding, can be fed normally; and poor water quality, when the dissolved oxygen is low, then feeding or not feeding.

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