Spring cabbage has anti-convulsions

Cabbage is a country's native vegetable, its quality is soft, nutrient-rich, good food flavor, edible methods, long-term consumption of anti-cancer, anti-cancer effect, is a popular health-care vegetables. Chinese cabbage is the largest cultivated vegetable in China, and its main cultivation season is autumn and winter. With the selection and promotion of pod-bearing and heat-tolerant varieties, planting Chinese cabbage in spring and summer is also common, and the planting area has been expanding year by year, and it has been able to provide seasonal cultivation and annual supply. Spring cabbage has a short growing period and relatively few pests and diseases in spring. It is easy to produce pollution-free products. The supply period of spring cabbage is from mid-May to early June. At this time, fruit vegetables have not yet been marketed in large numbers and the economic benefits are high. At the same time, they have a great effect on the market and the variety of vegetables. Chinese cabbage prefers cool climate, long flowering period requires sunshine, if the temperature is lower than 13 °C after sowing in spring, 20-30 days can be convulsed and blossomed. The early and late low temperatures in spring are high, which is not conducive to the formation of Chinese cabbage leaves. Therefore, spring cultivation tends to produce lower yields. Once twitching and blooming, the loss is heavier. Based on years of experience in breeding and cultivation of Chinese cabbage, the author summarized several measures to prevent convulsions and flowering of spring cabbage, which are presented below for reference by the majority of growers. 1. Select the appropriate variety. Spring-growing Chinese cabbages generally choose early-maturing varieties, and those with a growing period of about 60 days and strong winter are the best. Strong winter varieties have strong resistance to tics, such as Lu Chunbai No. 1, Yangchun, Chunguan, Zheng Yanchun Bai No. 1, Jingchun Wang, Shanchunbai No. 1 and so on, all of which can be sown in spring. Some early-maturing medium-early-ripening varieties, as long as the leaf ball grows fast and have strong winteriness, can also be cultivated as spring cabbage varieties. 2. Suitable sowing. The suitable sowing time for spring cabbage differs depending on the seedlings and cultivation methods. The cultivation time for greenhouse cultivation was mid-to-late February. The nursery time for mulching cultivation in small arch shelters was in the middle and early March. The suitable sowing time for direct seeding cultivation of open plastic film was from late March to early April. During the nursery and cultivation process, the covering of the arch shelter should be appropriately increased or decreased according to the temperature change, and the maximum temperature within the shelter should not be higher than 25°C. For the use of nursery seedlings, hardening seedlings should be planted before planting so that the seedlings will grow robustly. 3. Strengthen fertilizer and water management. During the growth period of spring cabbage, the temperature in the early stage is low, and the temperature in the later stage is high. This is contrary to the cultivation in autumn. Special attention should be paid to the management of fertilizer and water. The basal fertilizer is applied with organic fertilizer, and 4,000 kg of compost organic fertilizer is applied per acre, and 50 kg of diammonium phosphate is applied as a ridge. Top dressing is mainly composed of urea, human feces and urine, and quick-acting fertilizers, which are combined with watering for flushing. Generally, top dressing is applied 1 to 2 times, and urea 15 to 20 kg per mu or 800 kg of human waste is applied. 4. Pest control. Spring cabbage generally has fewer pests and diseases. Some varieties that are not resistant to downy mildew are prone to dry leaves in the middle and late stages and can be sprayed with 800 to 1000 times of DuPont Kelue for prevention and treatment. Soft rot occurs easily in the late ball stage and can be cultivated with Sorghum to avoid water accumulation in the field. Some plots are more prone to Spodoptera litura, which can be controlled by rice bran or Spodoptera frugiperda partners.

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