Summer vegetables: strengthen management of fewer pests

Vegetables grown in summer are less resistant to high temperatures, light, and rain, and diseases and pests are heavier. Production should first be mitigated by improving management of summer vegetables. Land preparation is done to avoid continuous cropping, and it is not planted in poorly-drained fields. Do not use too much fine soil for earthworms in order to facilitate drainage and prevent the roots from decaying due to breathing difficulties. It is better to use the north-south direction to reduce or avoid the occurrence of physiological diseases such as sunburn. The height of the clams should be 30-40 cm. It is necessary to keep the soil dry and wet, but also to ensure that no water accumulates in the gutters after continuous rain. Rational fertilization of chemical fertilizers is easy to use with water in the summer, excessive application or long-term use will cause salt accumulation. Should pay attention to master the amount of chemical fertilizers, application methods and application time. It is best to use decomposed organic fertilizers. Prevention and control of insect pests Summer pesticides are easily decomposed and destroyed under high temperature and strong light after being sprayed. They are easily lost due to rain erosion. The drug efficacy often fails to function normally, and the drug concentration is high and is likely to cause injury. During high temperature spraying, the liquid concentration should be slightly lower, and the interval between sprayings should be shortened. Most vegetables in summer are leafy vegetables, and low-toxicity, high-efficiency, and non-residue pesticides should be selected as far as possible. Priority should be given to the promotion of agricultural, physical, and ecological methods for prevention and control. For example, the gardens should be kept clean, weeds and diseased plants should be promptly removed, and yellow plates, insecticidal lamps, and sex hormones should be used to trap pests. The application facility utilizes the facilities to shade and prevent rain, regulates the microclimate of the vegetable field, and achieves light reduction, temperature reduction, disease control, and pest control. Facilities include insect nets, shade nets, etc.