Tomato early spring cultivation (small ring cultivation)

(1) The varieties are the same as those for greenhouse cultivation. Generally selected early maturing varieties and medium-maturing varieties, the main varieties of Shanghai area are Yangza No. 1, Yangza No. 2, cooperation 903, cooperation 906, Shanghai 908, 21st century, Jiangfen No. 2. (2) Seedlings are planted in the greenhouse in mid-December, and other measures are the same as those for greenhouse cultivation. (3) Site preparation: Choose land with high topography, high drainage and irrigation, 4,000 kg of composted organic fertilizer and 50 kg of compound fertilizer for vegetables per 667 m2, and turn into 1.5 m (ditch) after turning into soil. Deep trench sorghum sprays 150 grams of trifluralin or weeds per 667 square meters, and then covers the mulch. (4) Planting Planting in mid-March, 2 rows per plant, spacing 25-30 cm. To do planting, watering, taking a small ring, side cover film, to prevent cold seedlings, affecting survival or hair tree, the entire planting work should be carried out in fine weather, completed before 3-4 pm. (5) After field planting, the plastic film shall be tightly sealed, and the film shall not be removed in 5 to 7 days to facilitate living trees. After 7 days, ventilation can be gradually removed. In early April, on a warm and windless sunny day, when the temperature is above 30°C, the film can be completely removed, but it is still necessary to cover it at night. In case of rainy days, although it is not possible to remove the film, there must be a certain amount of ventilation to prevent condensation on the film. If it turns sunny after rainy days, you can't throw away the film all of a sudden. In addition, in the event of a cold spell or night frost in April, it is better to cover the grass and other coverings at night, in addition to tightly covering the film. After the middle of April, the ring can be removed. Other field management is the same as greenhouse cultivation. (6) Harvesting will be harvested around May 20 at the earliest and can be received in late July. Every 667 square meters of output 3500 to 4000 kg. Early spring early ripening can also be ripened after ripening, ripening method is the same as greenhouse cultivation. Tomato cultivation in spring (1) Variety The main varieties cultivated in Shanghai include Yangza No. 2, Shanghai 906, Shanghai 908, Jiangfen No. 2 and Qiangfeng. (2) Seedlings are planted in greenhouses from late December to early January. Others are the same as greenhouse cultivation. (3) Site preparation is the same as early spring cultivation. (4) Colonization from the end of March to the beginning of April. When planting, it is better to choose sunny weather without wind, and it is appropriate to have sunny days lasting 3 to 4 days. The density of colonization varies with the variety. Plants of early maturing cultivars are small in size and can be planted properly, with about 4,000 plants per 667 square meters. For example, if the plants are planted in a dwarf plant and picked up and picked up early, about 5,000 plants per 667 square meters can be planted. The medium- and late-maturing varieties have a large degree of development and are planted at 3,000 to 3,500 plants per 667 square meters. (5) Field management Spring cultivation does not require uncovering the film, while other management is the same as early spring cultivation. (6) Harvesting began in early June and harvests were received in early July. Production of 2,000 to 3,000 kilograms per 667 square meters. (7) To leave the plant where the seed is retained, the 2,4-D and tomato spirits should not be used. At the same time, we must choose plants that meet the characteristics of this species and grow normally and without disease. After the strains are selected, if they are early maturing varieties, they need to look at the number of leaves between each inflorescence, and the less leaves indicate that the early maturing performance is better, and then the completely mature fruits on the second or third inflorescence are picked and placed on the indoor 2 - After 3 days of ripening. Finally, cross the fruit, squeeze the seeds into the container, do not add water, after 2 to 3 days of fermentation, the seeds are removed, washed and dried, then dried and stored. In the case of continuous rainy days, the dried seeds can be dried at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. Generally, 1 kg of seeds are left, and fruit-shaped varieties are needed. They need 300-350 kg of fruit; large or small fruit-shaped varieties require 500 kg of fruit.