Two kinds of potato intercropping high-yielding cultivation techniques

The potato is cool and the cold resistance is strong, while the sweet potato is so afraid of frost that it can use spring sweet potato to plant potatoes in the early spring. Spring potato yields 2,000 to 2,500 kilograms, interplanting 3,000 to 4,000 kilograms of sweet potato. In 2001, the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences experimented with planting virus-free sowing potatoes Jinjin No. 8 and Zhongshu No. 3 at the beginning of March. Harvested on May 15, the average yield per mu was 2,600 kg. On May 1st, Yushu No. 13 sweet potato was interplanted. Harvested on October 21, with a yield of 4,050 kg per mu. The key cultivation techniques are as follows: Variety selection The potato can be selected for special precooking (60 days from emergence to maturity) or early-maturing virus-free varieties, such as Zhongshu No.3, Jinyin No.8, Yushao Potato No.1 and Yushao Potato No.2. Sweet potato selected high-yield and high-starch non-toxic potato such as Shangqi SL-19, Jishu No.15, Yushu No.13, Yushu No.12, Yushu No.7 and Meiying No.1, etc.; commodity sweet potato (red meat) was selected for high yield and early maturity. Detoxified sweet potatoes such as Beijing 553, Sushu No. 8, Anping No. 1, Zhenghong 11 and Jishu 18 etc. The land is selected for fertility, sandy loam with convenient irrigation and drainage, or thick loam soil for planting. Soil fertilization with 5000 kg of organic fertilizer per acre as base fertilizer, deep plowing for 25 to 30 centimeters before winter, and flooding and flooding, applying ammonium bicarbonate, superphosphate, and potassium sulfate each acre before mulching for 1 month before sowing 40 to 50 kilograms. Interplanting methods 1. Large-ridge double-row interplanting ridge distance of 1.2 meters, ridge width of 0.8 meters, ridge height of 0.15 meters, after cultivating soil ridge height of 0.25 meters, covered with a width of 80 to 100 cm. Potatoes are arranged in a narrow row with a spacing of 30 cm, a plant spacing of 25 cm, and a density of 4000-4500 plants per acre. Sweet potatoes are interplanted on the edge of a ridge, 30 cm from a potato, a plant spacing of 37 cm or 31 cm, and a density of 3000-3500 plants per acre. Second, small ridge intercropping ridge distance of 75 cm, ridge width 55 cm, ridge height 10 to 12 cm, 20 cm high soil after cultivation, membrane width 60 to 70 cm. The potato spacing is 20-22 cm, sweet potato is intercropping 25-30 cm from the potato, and the plant spacing is 25-30 cm. Density double row with large ridges. Seed sowing and management of potatoes 1. Preemergence cuttings 1 month before sowing. The potato pieces were budded and germinated in the dark place at 20°C, and cut into pieces 15 days later. Each piece weighs not less than 25 grams and has 1 or 2 buds. In the wet sand of 15 °C ~ 18 °C germination, to be about 1 cm long shoots, the sun under the astigmatism 2 ~ 3 days, so that the green shoots can be planted after thickening. Second, sowing potatoes from late February to early March (film cover can be advanced to February 15) lined by plant spacing, ditch depth of 10 to 12 cm, pesticides applied in the trench to prevent underground pests (1 part 50 % Phoxim plus appropriate amount of water, mix 200 parts of fine soil and seed fertilizer, put the seed after soil covering, and then cover the wet soil. Third, field management (a) cultivator weeding. It can be done after sowing, after the seedling and after watering. (b) Watering. Before sowing, in the seedling stage, before budding (in early April), in flowering (in mid-April), and in the rapid expansion of sweet potato (in late April). Stop watering for 10 days. (C) dressing 1 to 2 times, combined with pouring water and flowering water, mu recovery urea 10 to 15 kg. (d) Earthing twice. In combination with the budding stage, after the rapid expansion of the tuber, the soil is cultivated with a thickness of 3 to 5 cm. (e) control and prosperous. If the soil fertility is too high, or if there is too much rain, the plant has a mad trend and can be sprayed with paclobutrazol at a bud stage of 50 to 100 ppm. (6) Pest control. Late blight is harmful to our province. Generally, spraying is started in mid-April. Every 7 to 10 days, it is sprayed with 25% metalaxyl 800 times or 58% metalaxyl MnZn 500 times. 3 to 5 times. Other diseases are spread by seed potatoes, taking care not to introduce them from infected areas. Insect pest control, in addition to sowing when the use of trichlorfon baits (90% crystal trichlorfon plus water-soluble and fried cotton cake or bran 40 mix) trapping underground insects, available 40% omethoate 800 times liquid spray control aphids. In the west of Henan Province, the damage of 28-star ladybugs is easy to occur, which can be controlled by 50% dichlorvos 500 times solution or 50% phoxim 800-1000 times solution spray. Sweet potato interplanting and field management First, strong seedlings were planted in early March. Double-film seedlings were planted in mid-March, and were planted on the ridge side around April 30, and then watered to ensure full seedlings. Second, as early as fertilizer, early cultivator, early Pei ridge potato harvest urea 10 to 15 kilograms, shallow watering, timely cultivating ridges, so sweet potatoes in the ridge. In the middle and late period, the combination of promotion and control began to spray paclobutrazol (75 grams per mu for water 50 kg) 1 to 2 times in order to control the growth. Pay attention to drought prevention, drainage, and pest control in the middle and late stages. For example, the sweetpotato hawk moth (Lepidoptera maxima) and the Spodoptera litura (Syrphididae) can be sprayed with 90% crystal trichlorfon or 50% phoxim 1000 times before their larvae are inoculated. Fourth, timely harvest edible food potatoes, can be harvested in mid-September harvest; starch processing sweet potato in early October to mid-November, while processing while harvesting; to do species and fresh sweet potatoes listed on the Spring Festival, before and after the frost, The temperature dropped to 12 °C ~ 15 °C when harvested.

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