Wine Grape Winter Pruning

In Zunhua City, the development area of ​​wine grapes in recent years is relatively large. In order to improve the pruning level of farmers, the winter pruning methods of wine grapes are introduced as follows:

1. Time to choose. The grapes are pruned in winter and then defoliated and then frozen in the autumn soil. At this point, the nutrients of the grape have returned, and the pruning will not cause loss of nutrients, which will facilitate the protection of the earth by freezing.

2. Determination of the amount of mother shoots and shoots remaining in winter. Based on the results of the branch rate characteristics, the resulting mother shoots and the amount of remaining shoots were determined. The results of the branch rate of more than 70% of the varieties of each strain to leave the results of 5 to 6 mother branches, each branch of the single branch update to leave 2 to 3 buds short cut, mu leaving the results of the branch group 2500 to 3000, the winter results of the branch to stay 6250 to 7500 buds, plus 2000 arbors of main vine extensions (four buds per extension of main vines), totaling 8250 to 9500 buds; the results showed that 60% to 70% of the cultivars had a rate of 60% to 70%. 6 to 7 mother branches, each branch of single branch to keep 2 to 3 shoots short cut, 3000 to 3,500 sticks to stay in the result branches, and winter branches to leave 7,500 to 8800 buds to stay, plus the main extension branch 2000 buds (four buds per extension of the main vine), totaling 9500 to 10800 buds; if the result rate is too low, only 40% to 50%, the amount of remaining buds should be increased appropriately, leaving 12,000 the above.

3. The results of the branch group and the main vine update. When the result is too old, the shoots can be cultured using shoots on the old vine or base. The main renewal needs to select the branches near the ground from the lower part of the main vine, but the number of main vines should not be updated too much every year so as not to affect the output.

4. Extension branch replacement. Extensive growth of branches, branches spread over the surface, resulting in serious shade, in order to maintain the tree ventilation and light, it should be replaced. If the main vine extension branch grows thin and does not work properly, it should be replaced. You can choose to leave good shoots as new extensions so that they do not exceed the third shelf.

5. Cut off the low-ranking fruit branch group. Cut out the fruit branch group below 50 cm to ensure that the lower part of the tree is airy and transparent, which will help the grape to increase sugar, color, and not get sick.

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