Winter greenhouse pepper pest control

Due to continuous planting for many years, pests and diseases of pepper seedlings occurred more frequently. However, because we basically grasped the law of its occurrence and prevention and treatment methods, the condition can generally be controlled at the initial stage of development, without causing significant harm. Only pests and aphids are involved in the pests; the main diseases are damping-off disease, blight, sclerotiorum, gray mold, gray leaf spot and brown spot disease, alfalfa roots, cold injury, and fertilizer damage. The prevention and control situation is described as follows:
(1) Cockroaches: The species is African cockroach. Its density is sometimes as high as 3/square meter, and it mainly eats sown seeds and seedlings. If you do not control, you can eat whole seeds and seedlings, or loosen the topsoil so that the seedlings die due to water loss. In the past, methamidophos was used to treat bed soil. In recent years, it has been used to control 3% of Miller granules after sowing and control. The application rate is about 2.3-2.5g per square meter. After covering the soil, watering, and covering the membrane, the membranes in the trenches will be lifted artificially to capture half-dead leeches in the first two to four days, and the efficacy will be more than 95%.
(2) Locust: Usually occurs in small amounts from late February to March, and 10% imidacloprid 4000 times can be used to prevent and control other diseases simultaneously.
(3) Bumping disease: mainly occurs when the seedlings are unearthed to the cotyledon stage. The key reason for the disease is that the soil in the planting is too wet, and when it emerges, it is encountering rain and cold weather. If the control is not timely, it will cause the whole plant to die. Control methods include: 1 soil disinfection: before sowing or after sowing with 40% formaldehyde 1000 times or 50% carbendazim 1000 times bed soil, the amount of 41 / square meter of liquid, and then cover film sterilization sterilization. 2 Pharmacy control: After onset, the disease can be sprayed with 95% green hen No. 1 3000 times liquid. 3Scientific management: Grasp the recent weather changes during sowing, sunny days can be more watering, less rainy days; if sowing rainy days, when the seedlings are sunny, you can water once in the morning before sprouting 1, 2d, then Then close the shed to facilitate the emergence of neat and tidy seedlings. Immediately after emergence, take a small shed (especially with a new membrane cover bed seedlings should pay attention), after Qimiao ventilation and humidity.
(4) Blight: Occurs mainly in the early stage of seedlings, and the control method is the same as damping-off disease.
(5) Sclerotinia: Usually occurs from January to early February. The sooner or later of the period of occurrence mainly depends on the weather conditions and seedbed management at that time. If the weather is cold and the shelter is closed for several days, the humidity in the shelter will exceed 85%, which is the leading factor in the occurrence and spread of the disease. The disease was spread by airflow and developed rapidly. Soft rot or white cotton floe-like hyphae appeared at the diseased site and reinfested through contact, resulting in large deaths. The injured plant is more susceptible to disease. Control methods are: 1 soil disinfection with damping-off disease. 2 Seed Disinfection: Mix 50% carbendazim wettable powder according to the seed weight 0.2%-0.3%, so that the surface of each seed is uniformly adhered to the powder, or soaked with warm water at 52°C for 30 minutes and then cooled with cold water. . 3 Agricultural control: During the period of low temperature and rainy weather, it is necessary to maintain daily ventilation for 2 to 4 hours. This is a key measure for prevention and treatment of the disease. In particular, attention should be paid when using non-drip membranes. When a central diseased plant is present, sprinkle on the diseased plants. Lime powder was buried deeper outside the shed the next day. 4 chemical control: immediately after the onset of 50% carbendazim WP 1000 times +50% acetaminophen suspension 1000 times +0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate spray control, or with 5% moxa smoke agent or 45% chlorothalonil smoke agent, each shed (30X60m) times with 100g smoke treatment, once every 10d, continuous control of 2 - 3 times.
(6) Botrytis cinerea: This disease has been increasing in our country in recent years. It usually occurs from January to early March. It is most severe in February, and it is humid and rainy. The shed is under 90% humidity for a long time. Onset. Control methods: 1 Agricultural control: During the low humidity and rainy season, the ventilation is every day for 2 to 4 hours, and the humidity in the shelter is prevented to be over 90%. According to our many years of experiments, the non-drip film is the most prone to fogging. In the first year, although the temperature of the canopy can be increased by 1- 3°C, the incidence is severe. Therefore, it is possible to use the recently produced non-drip fog film. When the new membrane is used in the second year, it must be turned over and covered. Otherwise, the greenhouse will produce a lot of water droplets, which will increase the incidence. 2 high-temperature closed shed: When the sky is overcast, the shed can be used to keep the temperature at 33°C and stuffy for 30--60 minutes. 3 Chemical control: 50% acetaminophen suspension agent 1000 times, 50% ketonicin WP 2000 times, 25% mildew powder WP 2,000 times, 20% LASIK WP 2000 times, 70% Torr Mild grams of WP 800 times, several kinds of pesticides are used alternately or two kinds of medicines are mixed, once every 7-10d, 2 times in succession.
(7) Gray leaf spot and brown spot disease: It mainly damages the leaves and sometimes mixed in the field. It usually begins after four leaves. In severe cases, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and even become bald branches. The spread of germs by the spread of air flow has seriously affected the growth and commercial nature of the seedlings. Control methods: 1 Agricultural control: Strengthen field management. When the seedbed is watered, it must be seen from the sky to see the seedlings poured, instead of watering it uniformly. According to weather conditions, choose sunny watering in the morning, after watering, it is best to be able to clean for 1 to 2 days. Otherwise, the humidity in the shed will increase after watering, and then it will be conducive to the spread of diseases if it is cloudy; if the soil is too dry, If it is sunny for consecutive days, it should be poured more than once. If watering every morning, leaves the leaves for a long time, the disease is prone to occur; after the water to increase ventilation, extend the ventilation time, can not be closed closed door water; sowing density can not be too large. 2 Pesticide Control: Spraying must be taken when the leaves are in the range of 3 to 4 leaves, and every 10 days thereafter. The disease is currently observed in the field. Long-term use of 1- or 2-drugs will produce drug resistance, so it must be used in rotation, or several pesticides are mixed and used interchangeably. Effective drugs are: 75% Chlorothalonil WP 800 times, 20% Chlorogenic WP 2000 times, 70% Cream WP WP 800 times, 40% Epsom WP 1000 times Liquid, 10% high water dispersible powder 2000 times, 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 1000 times, 77% copper hydroxide wettable powder 800 times, 66% copper master (CuO) 1000 times liquid, 1 : 1:200 Bordeaux mixture (Note: It is best to have a copper product that crosses with other pesticides for better control).
(8) Roots: This category can be divided into two kinds of symptoms, a slight rooting that occurs in the first 1-2 days after the long-term rain began to turn cloudy, usually before and after the noon at 11 and 12 o'clock. With serious seedlings and sowing of dense plants and ventilated areas, serious and robust seedlings rarely occur. There is also a symptom of slight rooting. There is no obvious wilting, but the upper leaves roll slightly upwards. The leaves on the 2nd to the 3rd day after the leaves become excessively white due to water loss, which seriously affects the growth of the seedlings.
The prevention and control measures are to pour some water on the leaves immediately after the above symptoms occur. It is better to add 1000 times of carbendazim or thiophanate, reduce the ventilation and increase the humidity in the shed, and then follow the normal management after 2 - 3 days. The number of waters depends on the restoration of the seedlings, and it is not to be poured once more at a time, so that the seedlings are no longer aggravated and they are all restored.
The other type of symptom is severe rooting. Its symptoms are not long above the ground and the yellow leaves of the parietal lobe begin to gradually develop downward. Finally, the whole plant turns yellow, and when it is severe, it dies. There is no new root in the underground, and the surface of the young root is rust-brown. After the root tip expands and rots, the seedlings are easy to pull up. Severe roots occur mainly in the soil is too wet, the ground is too low a block that is 20 - 60cm on both sides of the greenhouse, generally occurs in pieces, and other places sometimes improper watering will also occur in small pieces. The roots of this type of roots are often exposed to low temperatures from mid-February to early March. The seedling yellowing time is short. When the temperature rises, it will return to normal soon and the yellowing time will be long (20--30 days). Most of the seedlings will Death, not death, poor growth after planting. Control measures: 1 Leave 20cm shallow ditch on both sides of the shed while watering, and pour 20--60cm at the edge of the shed. 2 In the rainy days, a small arch membrane is covered with 60 cm above the shed, and the water under the roof of the shed is poured into the shed feet. When the interior shed is lifted on a sunny day, the membranes on both sides of the shed are lifted halfway, and the shed is 9-10. When water-free beads are smashed, they are all opened again. 3 take electric heating seedlings.
(9) Freezing damage: Freezing damage generally occurs in our country is not serious, but poor management is also common. The symptoms are: 1 slight frost damage: the upper leaves or just the heart-shaped leaves like water soup-like, wilting at noon (12-14), and then recovered, about 5- 6d leaf color faded into white leaves, In severe cases, the whole plant turns into white mosaics, and the light ones have white patches. 2 Severe freezing injury: the leaves resemble a water-like soup. They start to wilt on the sunny morning and die after being dry, leaving only the upper 2--5 cm stem, or The first and second true leaves, all others died. Reasons (or conditions): 1 long-term low-temperature rain, easy to occur after the transfer to fine; 2 when the weather is fine, the northerly wind is large; 3 ventilation is too long, so that the temperature in the shed is too low.
Prevention measures include: (1) After long-term rain, cool and clear, strengthen the care, and when there is mild wilting, it is sprinkled with water to prevent it from losing water too quickly; when the wilting is severe, cover the inner membrane to keep it moist and make it recover slowly. In the afternoon, let the greenhouse temperature maintain 30-35°C, reduce the ventilation and increase the ground temperature. 3 The shaded night should be covered with a shed. 4 When the soil is too dry, it is expected that the first day of freezing injury will be sprinkled with water and insulation.
(10) Fertilizer damage: Generally occurs in March, when the seedlings are yellow (light green), the temperature is lower, nitrogen fertilizer must be topdressed. If the management is not good, there will be fertilizer damage, and the green leaves will turn green and white. Measures: 1 Apply base fertilizer, generally every shed (30X6m) applies 12-16 urine urine, compound fertilizer (15--15--15) 8-10kg, so generally do not have to top-dressing. 2 When topdressing is needed, 0.5%--0.8% urea or 5%--8% human urine (one bucket of water, one spoonful of urine) can be poured. After the first two days of urine pouring, the inner membrane cannot be covered. The second or third night after pouring urea can not cover the intima, and during the day to enhance the ventilation, so as to prevent fertilizer damage.
The above-mentioned is a single prevention and control method, which should be comprehensively used in actual operations. Prevention and control should be mainly based on agricultural control, supplemented by chemical defense, and mainly prevention. And we must nurture strong seedlings to enhance their resistance. Specific measures include: 1 Applying basic fertilizer to disinfect the soil and seeds; 2 Scientific management, reasonable ventilation, dehumidification, moisturizing, and watering; 3 Grasp the law of onset and distinguish the main Second, scientific drugs, timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests; prevention of damping-off disease at the time of emergence, prevention of leaf spot after 3 leaves, pay attention to sclerotinia, gray mold, alfalfa root, and freezing injury at low temperature and rain, and to prevent the leaves after late February Spot mainly and concurrently treat aphids. Only in this way can we effectively control the occurrence and spread of pests and diseases, minimize production costs, and cultivate quality seedlings.

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