Clearing the garden in early spring

Clearing time The best time for clearing the garden is two times before budding and inflorescence separation. At this time, all kinds of diseases and insect pests began to emerge and multiply, and the eggs of the diseases and insects were bare on

March Fruit Tree Planting Management Guide

What fruits can be grown in March? Many fruit farmers have consulted this question. In fact, since March, the temperature in many areas has gradually warmed up, and many fruits will be listed. There are also many fruit tree management tasks that c

March Fruit Tree Planting Management Guide

What fruits can be grown in March? Many fruit farmers have consulted this question. In fact, since March, the temperature in many areas has gradually warmed up, and many fruits will be listed. There are also many fruit tree management tasks that c

Key techniques for grape spring management

Spring is the season for grapes to germinate and spread leaves, branches to elongate, heading, flowering and fruiting. Strengthening the management of spring grapes can improve grape yield and quality.

From mid-late February to early March

New cultivation technology of amaranth in greenhouses

In winter greenhouse cultivation, you should choose color loquats with good palatability, high yield, strong stress resistance, and cold tolerance. Choose flat land with rich soil, convenient drainage and irrigation, and low weeds. Deep tillage of

Peach trees need to pay attention to management after budding

Temperature management: The temperature requirements of the peach trees in the greenhouse after the budding period are different, so they should be accurately grasped.

Plastic film mulching and removal: Plastic film mulching is the main wo

How to manage mixed oranges in spring?

The four seasons of the year lie in spring. The management of mixed oranges in spring will affect the benefits of the whole year. At this time, the miscellaneous mandarin in Sichuan has entered the spring shoot and flower bud stage, which is an im

Spring is coming to fruit farmers

Recently, in the more than 400 acres of orchards of the Dongbin Horticulture Professional Cooperative in Taojiang County, Hunan Province, Ziyunying is full of greenery, and the flowers and peaches on the peach tree have secretly exposed their "he

Three points of walnut tree spring tube

The spring management of the walnut garden is mainly the management of fertilizer and water. At the same time, the spring pruning and germination water irrigation, and the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests are required to ensure the

How to prevent "flower topping" for greenhouse cucumbers

The phenomenon of "flower topping" is a common physiological disease during the cultivation of greenhouse cucumbers. It is manifested by the growth of cucumber plants with multiple female flowers, the stem nodes shortening and thinning, and