Anti-static knowledge

Static electricity is an objective natural phenomenon that occurs in many ways, such as contact, friction, and rushing. The process of its generation can be summarized as: contact-charge-transfer-even electric layer formation-charge separation. Static electricity on equipment or the human body can reach tens of thousands of volts to hundreds of thousands of volts, and often reaches hundreds to thousands or even tens of thousands of volts of static electricity under normal operating conditions. The human body can carry thousands of volts or even tens of thousands of volts of static electricity due to its own actions and contact with other objects - separation, friction or induction. Static electricity is the result of a loss of balance between positive and negative charges in a localized range. It is a kind of electric energy, which remains in the performance of objects, and has the characteristics of high potential, low electric quantity, small current and short acting time. Main measures for static electricity control: leakage and dissipation of static electricity, static neutralization, electrostatic shielding and grounding, humidification, etc. The breakdown of components caused by electrostatic discharge is a serious electrostatic hazard in the electronics industry. It is divided into hard breakdown and soft breakdown. Hard breakdown is a one-time breakdown of the component dielectric, burnt or permanent failure; soft breakdown is the performance degradation of the device or the parameter index is reduced. Electrostatic sensitive components and printed circuit boards must be transported and stored between the processes in the production process. Antistatic loading boxes, component boxes, totes, and weekly trays must be used. To prevent the damage caused by static electricity accumulation. Electrostatic sensitive components and printed circuit boards must be used as anti-static shielding bags, packaging bags, packaging boxes, strips, frames, etc. to avoid electrostatic damage during transportation. In the production process of electronic products, the components and components of the products often come into contact with, separate from, and rub against the equipment tools to generate static electricity. Antistatic seat cushions, turnover trolleys, maintenance kits, tools, work chairs, etc. must be used, and appropriate Grounding, so that static electricity is quickly released. Frictional electrification and human body static electricity are two major sources of harm in the electronics and microelectronics industries, but the generation of static electricity is not a hazard. The hazard lies in the accumulation of static electricity and the resulting electrostatic charge discharge, so it must be controlled. An electrostatically charged object forms an electrostatic field around it, which produces mechanical effects, discharge effects, and electrostatic induction effects. Due to the mechanical effect of static electricity, the floating particles in the air will be adsorbed to electronic components such as silicon wafers, which seriously affect the quality of electronic products. Therefore, anti-static measures must be taken for purifying the working space. Anti-static, non-dusting materials should be used for walls, ceilings and floors of clean rooms, and a series of anti-static measures should be taken for operators, workpieces and appliances. In order to understand the electrostatic charging situation in the production process, to determine the degree of static electricity in the production process and to verify the anti-static products wholesale supplies, equipment quality must measure static electricity and related parameters. The measurement of static electricity is mainly the measurement of electrostatic voltage, material resistance, grounding resistance, electrostatic shutdown period, electrostatic quantity, static elimination performance, and charge surface density of cloth. Anti-static work is a series of projects. Any omissions or mistakes in any link will lead to the failure of static electricity protection work, and must be guarded from time to time. Anti-static products: human body static protection: anti-static hand (foot) wristband, anti-static gloves; anti-static clothing; anti-static shoes packaging materials: anti-static turnover box, anti-static strapping equipment, instruments: ion fan, ion (wind ) Rod, ion air gun, electrostatic brush, static tester tools: anti-static tweezers, soldering stations, etc.

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