Fish medicine "Ten View"

Fish disease is the enemy of fish farming. The scientific use of drugs can not only effectively prevent and treat fish diseases, but also many drugs can regulate fish metabolism, promote growth, improve digestion and absorption, coordinate internal mechanisms, and increase bait and fertilizer effects. The trend of drug selection today is toward the development of “three-effects” (high-efficiency, fast-acting, long-lasting) and “three small” (small dose, low toxicity, and small side effects). However, in recent years, we have found that many fish farmers have neglected some details in the process of fish disease treatment and caused unnecessary losses. Below, we combine the practice of ourselves and others for many years to introduce the “Ten-View” Classics for the treatment of fish diseases. First, watching the season April-September is generally the peak season for fish growth, but also the season of fish diseases. On the one hand, we must find ways to increase the growth rate of fish. On the other hand, we must also do a good job of preventing and curing diseases and improve Survival rate. Therefore, from April to September, monthly medications are required to be prevented once. Second, to see the time should be sunny morning 9:00 ~ 10:00 or afternoon 16:00 ~ 17:00 medication, avoid direct sunlight at noon time. However, it is best to use medication at 12:00 to 13:00 at noon on cloudy days. Third, to see the cause of the disease according to the periodicity of fish disease to help analyze and determine the cause, symptomatic medication. If medication is used at random, the treatment time will be delayed and the water pollution will be aggravated. Fourth, to see the condition less severe or prevent medication, the lower limit of the available dose; diseased fish, often have lost the ability to feed, the oral method is difficult to treat. When several fish diseases occur concurrently, drugs should be used for one of the more serious ones. V. Look at the fish. Green, grey and white mullet habits inhabit the bottom layer of water. When feeding medicine baits, use fixed baits to feed at fixed points. When controlling grass and squid disease, stick the drugs on fodder. Can avoid other food-eating fish for food bait, can reduce the amount of drugs; oysters, squid because it is used to filter food, it is appropriate to use sparse paste paste into a slurry, a small amount of spattered on the surface of the water, you can improve the effect of the drug. Six, to see the effect of water quality drugs to kill pathogens, often affected by various factors in the water, the more the pool of organic matter, the lower the water temperature, the higher the pH, drug toxicity is smaller, the greater the safety concentration. Conversely, the less organic fertilizer, the higher the water temperature and the lower the pH, the greater the toxicity of the drug and the smaller the safe concentration. VII. Look at Drugs Fish has a wide range of sources and can be divided into natural medicines and synthetic medicines. The former include plant-based garlic, rhubarb, etc.; anti-microbial agents such as oxytetracycline and chloramphenicol; inorganic salts include iodine and chlorine. The latter are synthetic sulfa, potassium permanganate, bleach, trichlorfon and so on. To understand the performance of drugs, quality should be guaranteed. If bleach is easily decomposed by moisture, use it to determine the effective amount of chlorine before dispensing. Expired penicillin drug efficacy reduced or even failed. Do not exceed 60°C when the copper sulfate dissolves. Ferrous sulphate should be transparent pale green crystals, deliquescent yellowish brown iron sulfate, lost its medicinal value. A small number of fish farmers will double the use of expired fish and medicines, for therapeutic purposes, but they do not know that the active ingredients of expired fish medicines have been decomposed, and toxic substances have increased significantly, often resulting in the death of a large number of fish seedlings and fish poisonings. Eight, see the amount of fish disease prevention and treatment drugs used is too small, can not play the role of the elimination of pathogens; excessive use, it may lead to fish poisoning death. Therefore, the amount of medicine must be strictly controlled. For mixed water administration, the water agent or powder may be expressed as mg/L or 110-6 according to the volume of the entire medication body water, that is, the proportion of parts per million, for example, 1 ? water body medicine 1g is 110-6, that is, 1mg/ L. Specifically, the drug is first dissolved in a small amount of water, so that it is uniformly dissolved and then added to the pool water to dilute. Mixed baits are administered, the drug is uniformly mixed into the bait, or pelleted bait is fed. One dose is calculated based on the body weight of the treated fish, such as 50kg fish body weight plus furazolidone 5g, and the other is calculated based on bait weight, such as 1 ‰, ie, 1000kg bait plus furazolidone 1kg (1000g), and then press every day 3% to 5% of fish are fed, which is based on the amount of fish eaten. Care should be taken when mixing drugs: First, the drug should be mixed evenly. In practice, take the same amount of drugs and baits first and then mix them in equal proportions. After mixing, use the mixed amounts to take the same baits for the second time. Mix so many times until all the baits are mixed until the amount of drug is evenly distributed. The second is the rational use of additives in food baits. If long-term application of sulfa drugs, vitamin B1 and K should be supplemented; when using aminopyrine, vitamin B1 and so on are reduced. Nine, see the use of sprinkling method should be carried out from the wind to the wind down gradually, the purpose is to make the concentration of the pond of traditional Chinese medicine uniform and prevent accidental poisoning. Spilled drugs can not be fed at the same time, it is best to feed, so as not to affect the fish intake. When the fish is at the end of the floating head or floating head, it should not be splashed with pesticides on the whole pool, otherwise it will cause a large number of fish deaths. The orally-applied method must be directed to the habits of various fishes, and use a highly viscous floating bait or a mixed bait for preventing fish diseases. Floating bait can be used rice bran, bran mixed medicine, Shen bait can be used food cake powder, bean cake powder mix medicine. Dipping method, such as the liquid to be used more than once, should add some drugs as appropriate after each dip in order to ensure the effective concentration, the dip after the liquid can not be poured into the pond. Ten, see the effect of medication within 24h, should always pay attention to the dynamics of fish, abnormalities should be immediately filled with new water rescue; if the number of dead fish within 4 ~ 6d still maintain or even exceed the level before treatment, indicating no effect, to analyze Cause, continue treatment.

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