Grapes are acidic or alkaline foods

All of us have eaten grapes, the grapes are delicious, and we can make a lot of delicious food. Many people think that the grapes are acidic. In fact, the grapes are real alkaline foods. Let's learn about them together.

Grapes are acidic or alkaline

Grapes are alkaline foods.

Because of its rich nutrients, grapes contain not only the sugars, acids, and minerals commonly found in fruits, but also biologically active substances that are closely related to human health, such as folic acid and vitamins. Moreover, the grapes also contain a lot of acid, which can help digestion. Therefore, if you eat some grapes properly, you can stomach and eliminate food. After the grapes are metabolized, sodium ions, potassium ions, magnesium ions, and calcium ions are generated, which are likely to produce alkaline reactions in the body. In general, some foods containing potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals are alkaline foods. So grapes are alkaline foods.

However, after drinking grapes, avoid drinking water immediately or drink milk, because the stomach is too late to digest and absorb, the water will dilute the stomach acid, grape and water, gastric acid oxidation, fermentation, accelerated intestinal peristalsis, prone to diarrhea. The milk reacts with the vitamin C contained in the grape and hurts the stomach.


Is raisin acidic or alkaline?

Although the raisins are sweet and sour, they are not acidic foods, but alkaline foods.

After the raisins are metabolized, sodium ions, potassium ions, magnesium ions, and calcium ions are generated. It is easy to produce some alkalis in the body and form alkaline reactions. In general, foods containing potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals are alkaline foods.

The acidity and alkalinity of food is not determined by the acidity and alkalinity of the taste. Foods that are sour are not necessarily acidic foods. Mainly after the food has been digested, absorbed, and metabolized, it is finally defined in the human body as an acidic or alkaline substance. Acidic substances are called acidic foods, such as the animal's internal organs, muscles, plant seeds (grains). Alkaline foods are called alkaline foods, such as vegetables, melon beans, tea and so on.

Whether the wine is acidic or alkaline

Many people think that wine is acidic due to the sour taste of wine. In fact, the wine is actually alkaline food. Grapes used for winemaking are sour and astringent, but they have been made into captivating wines by the talented human hand.

Wine is not only a solution of water and alcohol, but also rich in content, containing glucose, fructose, sucrose, sugar and tartaric acid, oxalic acid, citric acid, malic acid and other substances, more saturated with minerals, and alkaline after metabolism in the human body . Potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, etc. are alkaline, so the wine is slightly acidic in pH, but it is an alkaline food.

Wine is rich in vitamin B1, B2, B6, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals, but also contains pantothenic acid, niacin and so on. Wine is the only alkaline alcoholic beverage that neutralizes acidic foods, reduces bad cholesterol in the blood, and promotes digestion. Wine contains antioxidants and rich phenolic compounds that prevent arteriosclerosis and platelet aggregation, protect and maintain the normal physiological functions of the cardiovascular system, thereby protecting the heart and preventing stroke. Red wine is rich in tannins, preventing tooth decay and preventing radiation damage. Red wine has more antioxidants, can eliminate or fight oxygen free radicals, has anti-ageing effect, Changyin can prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Grapes and wine belong to weakly alkaline foods, which echoes the more stable and slightly alkaline interior environment formed during the long-term evolution of human life. Therefore, wine is the most recent wine in nature, and it is the favorite of most people. .

Amino Acids

Amino acid additives are used in feed to balance or supplement a particular production purpose of the required nutrients. The main amino acids added in the feed are: lysine, tryptophan, methionine, threonine these limiting amino acids. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of proteins. The essence of protein nutrition is amino acid nutrition. The core of amino acid nutrition is the balance between amino acids.

The balance of amino acids in natural feed is very poor. Almost all of them are not balanced. The animal body in the limited feed can not synthesize themselves.

They can only rely on eating intake of amino acids. The amino acid content of natural feed is very different, each is not the same, because of different kinds, different ratio of natural feed composed of full price compound feed, although try to mix according to the principle of amino acid balance, but their various amino acid content and the proportion between amino acid is still variable, various. Therefore, amino acid additives are needed to balance or supplement the requirements for a particular production purpose.

feed amino acides Lysine,feed amino acides Tryptophan,high quality Threonine

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