Measures to increase the output of spring sown potatoes

Potato, also known as potato, potato, and yam egg, has the characteristics of high yield, early maturity, multiple uses, and wide distribution. With the adjustment of the agricultural industrial structure, the potato planting area has gradually expanded. However, some of the farmers planted potatoes, the ministers on the ground are very good, but the underground is small and small, the yield is low, and the efficiency is poor. To obtain high yields and achieve better economic returns, we must conduct scientific management in accordance with the growth laws of potatoes. First, causes of low yield reasons: 1, the selection of errors is the first choice of long growth period of the species, because the potato tuber formation period is the most suitable temperature of 16 °C ~ 18 °C, when the temperature rises above 25 °C, the tubers stop Grow while the shoots and leaves grow vigorously. When the temperature rises above 29°C, the growth of stems and leaves of the shoots is hindered or even died. Therefore, the tubers are small and the yield is low. Followed by poor varieties of disease resistance, seed disease. Most farmers use self-retained plants without isolation and anti-virus measures. After sowing, the virus disease is severe and affects the normal development of potatoes. 2. Sowing period is delayed Generally, spring sowing is planted in mid-April, and the period from sowing to the formation of potato chips is about 60 to 70 days. From then on, from late June to early July, the temperature is high, and the formation of tubers expands. , so the output is low. 3. Rotation of crop rotations Unreasonable part of the agricultural products are planted year after year, resulting in the accumulation of soil bacteria and serious diseases. The imbalance of soil nutrients, especially the lack of trace elements, makes the potatoes grow weak and produce low yields. 4. Excessive management is mainly due to insufficient supply of water and fertilizer or excessive nitrogen fertilizer application, resulting in leggy and consumption of nutrients. The cultivator soil is not timely, the soil is compacted and the expansion of the tubers is blocked. Serious damage to pests. Second, measures to increase production 1. Select good varieties should be selected according to the local climate characteristics of high yield, disease resistance, high-quality varieties, in particular to consider the growth period of the species. It is best to use detoxified potato seeds for sowing. 2. Reasonably dumping potatoes should not be used as a continuous crop, and it is not appropriate to rotate with solanaceous crops (eg eggplant, pepper, tomato, tobacco, etc.), and it is not appropriate to rotate crops with root crops such as sweet potatoes, carrots and beets. The minimum number of rotation years is at least four years. In the vegetable area, it can be rotated with non-sorrel vegetables such as leeks, garlic, celery, etc., and it can also be rotated with cereals, beans, cotton and other crops to reduce the occurrence of diseases. 3. Determining the appropriate sowing date Choosing the right sowing date is the key to the success and yield of growing potatoes. The potato is a cool crop, and the temperature during the formation of the potato block must not exceed 25°C. According to the calculation of temperature, the most suitable planting period for the Huanghuai River basin is from late February to early March. Germination sowing is to be conducted before sowing and harvesting in early June. The temperature in May is about 18°C ​​to 23°C, which is very conducive to the expansion of the tuber and can be captured. high yield. 4, to strengthen field management First, re-basal fertilizer, fertility and fertility. Due to the short growing period of potatoes, the base fertilizer should be given up once. Generally, 3000-4000 kg organic fertilizer is applied per acre. The application method can be combined with 70% of the soil preparation, and the remaining 30% is used as a seed fertilizer. The second is to prevent night frost damage, the emergence of late frost often occurs, the phenomenon of freezing dead seedlings. Therefore, we must strengthen seedling protection, cover or smoke method to avoid late frost frost damage; Third, cultivator soil, in tuber formation and expansion period, should be intensive cultivation, sub-cultivation, promote root growth and stolon formation, increase tuber Quantity, to ensure healthy growth of plants; Fourth, the removal of buds, when the formation of potato buds, inflorescences should be timely removal of buds, reduce nutrient consumption, is conducive to accumulation of nutrients; five is the top dressing. In the later stage, if it is defertilizer, it can be sprayed with 0.1% magnesium sulfate solution and 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, spraying fertilizer solution of 40-50 kilograms per acre. 5, prevention and control of pests and diseases potatoes from sowing to harvest must be the prevention of virus disease in the first place, mainly agricultural control measures, and timely control of locusts to reduce transmission. At the same time, 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder can be used to prevent diseases such as late blight and ring rot.