People who cook bitter melons like this can eat too...

Bitter melons can be eaten like this.

In recent days, Guangzhou is extremely hot, and in addition to relying on air conditioning, it can also be used to drink hot food. Bitter gourd is a god-given food in the summer season. However, due to the bitter and bitter taste of bitter gourd, many people with debilitating constitutions are afraid to eat. Chen Ruifang, chief physician of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that after bitter gourd is cooked, people with debilitating constitution can also eat it.

Bitter gourd has the effect of clearing heat, driving heart fire and detoxifying. Bitter gourd has a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on summer symptoms such as sore, phlegm, phlegm and acne. The bitter gourd is named after the taste, and the Cantonese is called the cold melon. Bitter melon is bitter and cold, and people with spleen and stomach deficiency should not eat more, but through special cooking methods, more people can enjoy bitter gourd. The specific method is to first cut the bitter gourd into a block shape, and then put it into the pot after the water is boiled. After the water is opened, the water is poured off, and the bitter gourd that has passed through the water is reduced in half by the coldness, and then the oil pan is heated and the garlic is placed. Pour the bitter gourd into the hot pot and stir fry. Be careful not to rush to add water. Stir fry until the bitter gourd becomes soft. At this time, the bitter gourd is greatly reduced, and then boiled with ribs or meat. This method of cooking bitter gourd, Most people can eat it.

Recommended by the diet:

Bitter melon, soy bean ribs soup

Ingredients: 2 bitter gourd, 500 grams of ribs, 50 grams of soybeans, salt.

Practice: Soybean soaked in the night. Pour the water into the pot, put all the ingredients, boil over low heat and cook for one and a half hours. Season with salt.

Efficacy: This soup tastes good, tastes fragrant, appetizing and digestion, and it also has the effect of clearing heat and cooling off heat, cooling blood and detoxification.