What snacks can I eat during pregnancy?

Many mothers have found that their appetite has increased greatly after pregnancy and their stomachs have always been "squeaky." For the sake of the baby, the old junk food can't be eaten anymore. Pregnant mothers can try the following small snacks during pregnancy, both spasmodic and nutritionally healthy.



Nuts are rich in nutrients, which contain high levels of protein, oil, minerals, and vitamins. Eating nuts can make mothers feel less hungry. However, the calories and fat content of nuts are high. Therefore, expectant mothers should pay attention to the daily intake of about 28 grams.

dried fruit

Dried fruits such as apricot and sour are delicious and convenient to carry with you. You can satisfy your appetite anytime and anywhere.


It is best to choose those natural cereals that are free of any sugar or other added ingredients and cook them in porridge. Mothers can add some nuts, raisins or honey according to their own tastes and preferences when they eat. Note that cereal is not oats.

Skim milk

Experts suggest that pregnant mothers should take 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day. Skimmed milk can ensure nutrition and can effectively control the intake of fat. Every day, 3 cups of skimmed milk can meet the body's calcium requirements.

Whole wheat bread

The first thing to notice is that the real whole wheat bread is slightly brownish in color and has a uniform bran after splitting. Unlike other fine powdered white breads, mothers can consume 20-35 grams of dietary fiber per day by eating whole-grain bread during pregnancy. It also contains a lot of iron and zinc, which can provide mothers with rich nutrition.


Bananas can quickly provide energy to the body and relieve pregnant mothers of possible fatigue at any time. Moreover, when pregnant mothers suffer from morning sickness, eating bananas is more likely to be accepted by the stomach.

Greenhouse Insect Net

Insect net greenhouse also known as plant and vegetables greenhouse net. Used for prevent the insect fly into the greenhouse during the plant growing, and cover the plants. Key off the approaches that the pests (adult insect) breeding. Effective control of the spread of all kinds of harmful pests spread, such as Cabbage caterpillar, diamondback moth, aphids, flea beetles, Sweet agnates, American leaf miner, literal etc and prevent the harmful of virus spread. Significantly reduced the use of chemical pesticides, so that the planting vegetables good-quality and health.

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