Spring orchard fertilization has taboos

After the urea is applied, avoid watering immediately and avoid applying urea to the water. Urea is applied to the soil and converted into amide, which is easy to be lost with water. It cannot be watered immediately after application, nor can it b

Determination of albumin in urine - LUMEX capillary electrophoresis

Microalbuminuria is a very sensitive indicator of glomerular disease and injury and has been used for many years in predicting diabetic nephropathy. In recent years, it has been shown that microalbuminuria is also a risk factor for the onset of cardiovascular disease in non-diabetic patients an

Key points of efficient cultivation techniques for pond lotus root

Lotus root is a highly nutritious vegetable that is loved by men, women and children. At present, there are many areas where lotus roots are planted in China, most of which are pond cultures. How can pond lotus root cultivation achieve high yield? Let's take a look

Oil peony efficient planting technology

Because of its cold tolerance, drought tolerance, and inferiority, oil peony is planted, saves labor, saves time, and has low investment. It does not need much management after planting, and has high yield, high oil yield, good oil quality, and can also be returned to farml

Can I eat cancer overnight, overnight tea?

I don't know when I started, everyone began to fear the "overnight" food, and thought that the food that was placed overnight would produce all kinds of harmful substances and harm the body. There is often such a voice on the Internet that the overnig

What are the technical advantages of belt dryer operation?

Desiccant, as the name implies, is a chemical substance that prevents food from getting wet. The dryer can also be explained by name, and the explanation is a kind of mechanical equipment that prevents some kind of damp.
The application of belt dr

5 method tips for prolonging the harvesting period of pepper

In the countryside, there are many friends who grow peppers. In order to increase the yield of peppers, it is necessary to extend the harvesting period. The following is a study of the harvesting period of peppers with Huinong. Extended method measures.

Discrimination when the seeds are new

The weather is getting warmer and the farmers are ready to buy seeds. Guo Zhiqing, a researcher at the College of Horticulture of Northwest A&F University, reminded the majority of vegetable farmers that vegetable seeds have years of requireme