Blood draw can predict kidney cancer 5 years in advance

Blood draw can predict kidney cancer 5 years in advance

September 3, 2018 Source: China Science News Author: Ma Chen

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A recent study published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research pointed out that scientists have discovered that a marker in the blood can help predict the risk of kidney cancer in humans.

The study used a comparative reference analysis of blood from 190 patients with secondary renal cell carcinoma using a subset of the EPIC study. Finally, it was found that by measuring the level of protein molecules in the blood, KIM-1, it is possible to predict whether a person is more likely to develop kidney cancer within the next 5 years. Moreover, the higher the KIM-1 concentration, the higher the risk of kidney cancer and the lower the survival rate.

In view of this, scientists believe that in the future medical diagnosis, doctors can use the KIM-1 level test in blood together with medical images to confirm kidney cancer or help to eliminate other diseases.

According to statistics, kidney cancer is the seventh most common cancer in the UK, and the number of cases is continuing to rise. In the UK, 25% of kidney cancer patients are already diagnosed at an advanced stage. And if the patient is diagnosed early in the kidney cancer, 80% of patients have a survival time of 5 years or more.

Therefore, early diagnosis has the potential to greatly improve the survival rate of patients with renal cancer. However, most cancer patients do not have any symptoms at an early stage, and many cases have found a series of other health conditions in medical imaging observations.

“This research has taken a big step forward. The KIM-1 level is the only blood marker that predicts people at high risk for kidney cancer and low-risk groups. Next we need to be more careful. Study to see if KIM-1 levels are helpful in detecting benign tumors, as well as in early stages of the tumor. Also study whether the blood marker can be used as a tool to track patients' treatment." From Imperial College, accepting British cancer Dr. David Muller, funded by the Institute, said.

Professor Charles Swanton, chief clinician at the Centre for Cancer Research in the United Kingdom, believes that “the potential for blood testing for detecting and monitoring cancer is becoming more and more obvious, and this work further proves that they can be a powerful tool in the clinic”.

Indeed, there is an urgent need in the medical community to shift the diagnosis of kidney cancer to an early stage, and treatment of kidney cancer is more likely to succeed, and this research is moving toward this goal. But the researchers also pointed out that because the study is still in its infancy, a prospective study of a larger population is needed before the method is widely used in the clinic.

Dr. Rupal Bhatt, from Harvard Medical School and funded by the National Institutes of Health, said: "It is now crucial to incorporate the detection of KIM-1 levels into patient care through a deeper understanding. Further observation of the postoperative recovery of KIM-1 patients with renal cell carcinoma."

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