Cucumber calcium and magnesium deficiency and prevention

1. Calcium deficiency: The leaching caused by irrigation is severe. The guarana grows too quickly and consumes too much calcium, which results in the loss of trace elements. In acidic soils, excessive nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, and dry soil will hinder the absorption of calcium by cucumbers, resulting in the loss of calcium; low air humidity, rapid evaporation, and insufficient water supply are also prone to calcium deficiency; . Calcium deficiency showed yellowing and drooping of the leaf margin, with the upper leaf slightly smaller and curled inward or laterally. If the soil itself is deficient in calcium, calcium-containing fertilizers may be used to avoid the use of large amounts of potassium and nitrogen fertilizers at one time; watering should be done in a timely manner to ensure adequate water; if necessary, 0.3% calcium chloride solution can be used to spray cucumber leaves.

2. Magnesium deficiency: The soil itself has low magnesium content; too much potassium fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer also hinder the absorption of magnesium, especially the cucumbers cultivated in greenhouses; the large harvest and no application of sufficient magnesium fertilizer will make cucumbers Magnesium deficiency. In the absence of magnesium, generally on the lower part of the old leaf, the green yellowing between the veins is gradually developed from the main vein to the outer edge; when the magnesium is lacking in the late growth period, a clear green ring may appear on the leaf. In cultivation, soil testing and fertilization are encouraged. If there is a lack of magnesium in the soil, sufficient magnesium-containing fertilizer should be applied before cultivation. If the magnesium deficiency during the growth period can be sprayed on the foliage with a 1-2% magnesium sulfate solution.

Female Health Care Material

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Anthocyanin;Grape seed extract

Shaanxi Zhongyi Kangjian Biotechnology Co.,Ltd ,