Cultivation Techniques of Yangqing Rice in Suixi County, Guangdong Province

Yangqing Town, Suixi County, Guangdong Province is the main producing area for high-quality rice, with a high-quality rice planting area of ​​over 35,000 mu and an annual output of over 11,000 tons. The high-quality rice produced has the characteristics of white grains of rice, heavy weight such as sand, steamed juice, such as milk, bright and fragrant rice, delicious taste and rich nutrition. In particular, the town of Wenxiangji planted more than 1,000 mu of high-quality rice. Because the production area has a good ecological environment, fresh air, sandy soil, good water quality, and no pollution, the rice produced and cultivated by the national testing agency is in full compliance with green food production. In April this year, the company passed the national certification of pollution-free agricultural products and was welcomed by consumers. It is exported to neighboring counties and cities. The market prospect is very broad. The sales price in the market is more than 20% higher than that of ordinary rice, and it has better Economic benefits. Its main cultivation and management techniques are: Choose good quality seeds. It mainly promotes the cultivation of high-quality, high-yield, and high disease-resistant varieties such as Pozaozhen, Yuexiangzhan, Boyouyou 15, Boyouxiang, etc. 2. Proper sowing and cultivation of age-appropriate breeding. In the uniform sowing period, early rice is usually planted in the early to mid-March, and late rice is generally sown in mid-July and late. Seeding is generally conducted in dry sowing or floppy seedlings. Appropriate dilute sowing and uniform sowing are necessary. , Qiao Shi sent martial arts, bred more than suitable for age Zhuang. Strengthen the management of seedlings, based on sparse plug breeding, in the seedlings one leaf and one heart, spray 50 grams of 15% paclobutrazol WP per acre, there is a clear role in promoting the control of longevity, is conducive to the development of multi-strength. 3. Timely transplantation, reasonable close planting, planting basic seedlings. The seeding period was determined by transplanting seedlings. The early rice seedling age was about 30 days, and the late rice seedling age was about 25 days. The field transplants could be carried out and the old ones should not be planted as far as possible. The yield of cultivated hybrid rice is about 1 kilogram, and that of regular high-quality rice is about 2 kilograms; the basic seedling must be planted. Early rice planting specifications 5x6-8 inches, late rice 4x6-8 inches, planted more than 2 seed seedlings per hole. 4. Scientific fertilization, strengthen field management and prevent lodging. To strengthen rice field management and timely weeding and fertilization. Fertilizer should pay attention to the application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizer is mainly based on surface fertilizer, early application of sub-fertilizer, promote early premature and stable growth. After reaching the planned number of seedlings 25-30 days after the completion of the planned number of seedlings, the unified drainage drying field, alternating wet and dry late, fertilization mainly organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizers, in accordance with the principle of "pre-promotion, in the control, after making up," uniform fertilization In general, the Mushi pods are fully rotted with 1000-1500 kg of farmyard fertilizer, 10 kg of urea, 10 kg of potassium chloride, and 35 kg of superphosphate. In the medium term, it is necessary to attach importance to the control of the seedlings in the field and prevent the middle and late periods from growing too prosperous. 5. Comprehensive prevention and control of pests and diseases. The main diseases and pests of rice are: rice blast, sheath blight, bacterial leaf streak, bacterial leaf blight, rice thrips, rice leaf roller, second and third rice borer, rice planthopper and so on. Pay attention to the occurrence regularity of various pests and diseases to monitor and report pests and diseases, and achieve symptomatic medication and timely prevention and treatment. Pharmaceutics mainly use biocides, plant-based preparations and other insecticides to prevent the use of high-toxicity and high-residue chemical pesticides.

Food Additive

Ganoderma Lucidum Extract,Organic Oat Grass Powder,Rice Protein Powder

Senyuan Biological Technology Co., Ltd. ,