"Eat grape does not spit grape skin" is the truth to eat the most nutritious even with belt seeds

"Eat grape does not spit grape skin" is no longer a tongue-twisting tongue twister, but is related to the scientific diet. On February 10, Dr. Karsten Smith, an authoritative international anti-aging expert and nutritionist at the American Institute of Nutrition, said in a lecture on healthy nutrition in China that grapes contained natural antioxidants resveratrol.

Dr. Kasten said that encouraging people to take antioxidant natural foods is one of the internationally popular anti-aging therapies. Dr. David Sinclair, Ph.D., professor of pathology at Harvard University in the United States, and the National Institute of Aging, United States, confirmed that resveratrol has very good antioxidant activity. Resveratrol is a phytoalexin produced by the vine to resist mold invasion and remains in the skin. Resveratrol contains antioxidants that are energetic and can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. The World Health Organization survey found that although the French prefer high-fat foods such as cheese, the incidence and mortality of coronary heart disease is lower than in other Western countries. The reason may be related to the French people often drinking wine containing resveratrol.

In addition, grape skins, especially purple grape skins, contain blood pressure-lowering flavonoids, which can promote the increase of high-density lipoprotein in the blood, thereby reducing harmful cholesterol levels, preventing atherosclerosis, and protecting the heart. The grape skin is also rich in cellulose, pectin, and iron, which can complement the nutrients that are lacking in modern diets. Among the many grape varieties, there is a type of Muscatine grape which has a pair of chromosomes more than regular grapes. It contains ellagic acid and ellagitine tannins, which can well inhibit the aggregation of aging proteins, and its anti-aging effect is particularly strong. Eat the whole entrance of the grapes and eat them together with the belts to absorb more nutrients.

At present, nutritionists have found resveratrol compounds in at least 72 plants such as grapes, peanuts, mulberries, cassia, veratrum, and polykaryon, among which grape hull contains the highest content. Dr. Kasten said that although the nutritional value of grapes is high, they can’t stand to eat every day. Now, the botanical extracts of the grapes have been extracted. The amount of resveratrol in a tablespoon is equivalent to 100 glasses of red wine. If you have conditions, eating a little everyday is not bad.

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