Is it harmful to the body to eat preserved eggs?

Preserved eggs are a very common type of egg food. They are eaten in a variety of ways, taste good, and have good edible effects. They are very popular among people. Preserved eggs are made from duck eggs and are marinated with alkaline substances such as quicklime and caustic soda. But it is said that preserved eggs contain high levels of lead, so is it harmful to the human body to eat preserved eggs? Who can't eat preserved eggs?


The disadvantage of eating preserved eggs

1. Because the preserved egg contains a certain amount of lead, if it is used too much, it will easily lead to anemia symptoms and may cause immunity under the phenomenon;

2, if long-term consumption of preserved eggs, it can also cause the body's absorption of minerals to weaken, resulting in the lack of minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc;

3. In the summer, it is difficult to identify the spoiled preserved eggs. Because the method of making the preserved eggs determines its unique flavor, even if it is overdue, it is not easy to detect. Once the expired preserved eggs are eaten, the damage is very serious. It is likely to cause discomfort such as diarrhea and vomiting.

4, preserved eggs in the production process, due to excessive alkaline substances, will quickly neutralize gastric acid after consumption, thereby reducing the barrier function of gastric juice, affecting digestion and absorption.


Who can't eat preserved eggs?

Young children can't eat preserved eggs

The development of the organs of young children is not perfect, and many functions are incomplete. The preserved eggs contain many ingredients that are harmful to the body, such as heavy metal lead, which is added with chemical alkali, and children are particularly sensitive to lead. These substances have great damage to children, prone to calcium loss of bones and teeth, dysplasia, loss of appetite, gastroenteritis, etc., but also affect mental development, not suitable for consumption.

Liver disease patients can not eat preserved eggs

The liver is the largest detoxification organ in the human body, and the pine egg is a salted product. Many ingredients have certain side effects on the human body after consumption. The liver needs to be detoxified, especially the leaded egg. The excessive consumption of liver disease patients may cause lead poisoning.

Poor physical fitness can not eat preserved eggs

Preserved eggs are salted products, which contain a lot of fungi. Even if they are clean pine eggs, there are 400~500 bacteria on the eggshell, instead of very clean pine eggs, the bacteria can even reach hundreds of millions of bacteria. There will be a lot of people entering the pine flower egg. If the physical quality is poor and the body resistance is poor, it is easy to get infected with the fungus and cause discomfort. The suitable temperature for the growth of Salmonella is 20 ° C -37 ° C, the temperature in summer and autumn is just within this range, so people should pay special attention to prevent pine egg poisoning.

Old people should not eat preserved eggs

Because the teeth are not properly chewed by the elderly, they like to eat some food that is tender and does not require too much chewing. Preserved egg lean porridge is widely loved by the elderly because of its thick texture, smooth taste and good digestion. Some elderly people even go to the point where eating porridge must eat preserved egg porridge. However, it is best not to eat pineapple eggs regularly, and the lead content is relatively high, which may lead to senile dementia, hair loss, tooth loss, and loss of direction.

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