Medication diet "eat" go leucorrhea abnormal

First, warm type

Clinical manifestations with more than the amount of color, yellow and white, quality sticky, smelly, or bring down the color white matter, such as bean curd-like, pruritus, etc., poor appetite, yellow urine, thick yellow tongue coating, pulse string number.

Dietetic diet

1. Gingko bean curd fried: 10 ginkgo (to the heart), 100 grams of tofu, stewed cooked take.

2. Sanren Decoction: 10 white nuts, 50 grams of Coix seed, 50 grams of melon, decoction, soup bowl, one serving per day.

3. Juju cauliflower soup: a bowl of clam juice, 30 grams of celosia, decoction, brown sugar transfer service, 2 times a day.

Second, spleen deficiency type

The clinical manifestations are white or light yellow, thick and sticky, odorless, continuous, pale, limbs are not warm, mental fatigue, less satisfied, loose stools, pale tongue, greasy moss, slow pulse.

Dietetic diet

1. Fish stew pig trotters: 20 grams of fish, one trotter, put a total of casserole, add appropriate amount of water, simmer stew rotten seasoning food, once a day.

2. Chicken ginkgo Jian: 200 grams of chicken (cut), ginkgo 10 grams, 30 grams of Codonopsis, Atractylodes 10 grams, 30 grams of yam, wolfberry 15 grams, 30 grams of astragalus, soup, to the dregs, Yin Tang meat. Daily 1 material.

3 lentils stop fried: 30 grams of white lentils, 30 grams of yam, brown sugar amount. The white lentils were soaked and peeled with rice bran water, cooked with yam and cooked until cooked. Add appropriate brown sugar and serve 2 times a day.

4. Pepper eggs: 7 peppers, 1 egg, first stir fry the pepper, research into the end. Then, peck the eggs in a small hole, fill the eggs with pepper, and seal the holes with a thick paper. Cook on fire, and eat it twice a day.

Third, kidney deficiency type

The clinical manifestations of leucorrhea cold, heavy, thin, constantly dripping all day long, backache such as fold, abdominal cold pain, thin white fur, late pulse.

Dietetic diet

1. With cinnamon egg soup: cinnamon 5 grams, 10 grams aconite, 1 egg. After decocting the cinnamon and the aconite, remove the residue, beat the eggs, and drink it after serving. Drink twice a day.

2. Lotus seed wolfberry porridge: lotus seeds (to the heart) 100 grams, Gorgon 100 grams, 50 grams of fresh lotus leaf, 50 grams of rice, porridge, cooked sugar, appropriate amount of food, a day.

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