Mixed species biofilm warning of intestinal lesions

Mixed species biofilm warning of intestinal lesions

January 17, 2019 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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It is well known that bacterial communities can affect human health and disease. A pathogenicity-based mixed biofilm was observed in both oral and gastric infections as well as intestinal diseases, chronic intestinal wounds, and colon cancer. In addition to the appendix, the presence of thick microbial biofilms in healthy intestinal mucosa remains controversial. Researchers such as Hannah Tategart of the Microbiology Laboratory at Wageningen University in the Netherlands have found that a variety of microbial biofilms containing potential pathogens appear to be early warning signs of disease progression and can be considered as intestinal mucosal health and disease. At the turning point between states, key biofilm-forming pathogens and related molecules are expected to become biomarkers.

Anti Bird Net

Anti Bird Net

Anti-bird net is a kind of polyethylene, high-density polyethylene, polypropylene and nylon which are added with anti-aging and anti-ultraviolet chemical additives. It is a kind of plastic woven mesh and anti bird net has the advantages of high tensile strength, heat resistance, water resistance, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, non-toxic and tasteless, and easy disposal of waste. It can kill common pests such as flies and mosquitoes. The conventional use of the collection is light, and the correct storage life can reach 3-5 years.

Bird-proof net cover cultivation is a new environmentally-friendly agricultural technology that increases production and practicality. It builds artificial isolation barriers on the scaffolding, rejects birds outside the net, cuts off bird breeding routes, and effectively controls various types of birds. Spread and prevent the spread of viral diseases. And it has the functions of light transmission and moderate shading to create favorable conditions for crop growth.

The bird-proof net also has the function of resisting natural disasters such as storm erosion and hail attack.

Beyond garden, the anti bird net also be used in airport, building, residential houses, etc.

Anti Bird Net

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