Occurrence characteristics and control techniques of peach anthracnose

With the adjustment of the agricultural industrial structure, the planting area of ​​peach trees in our county has been continuously expanding. Due to the influence of various factors such as climatic conditions, species, and management, peach anthracnose occurs more severely and has a greater impact on the yield and quality of peach trees. Effective prevention and control of anthrax is very important for improving production and efficiency. First, the harm symptoms. The disease mainly damages the fruit and can also invade the leaves and shoots. The young fruit is affected by a light brownish water spotted spot, followed by a round or oval shape, reddish-brown, with a central depression; when the climate is humid, the disease minister produces orange-red dots, and the young fruit stops growing after it becomes infected. The formation of early fruit drops; when the climate is dry, a stalemate results. The lesions of mature fruit showed obvious concentric annular shrinkage. Leaf lesions are round or irregularly shaped, light brown. Diseases, health division boundaries are obvious, late lesions are gray brown, dry off, causing perforation. The lesions on the shoot were oblong, dark brown and slightly sunken. The upper leaves of the diseased shoots are rolled up, and the shoots often die when they are severe. Second, the pathogen and the incidence of law. Peach anthracnose is a fungus belonging to the genus Anthracnose of the fungus. The pathogens used hyphae to overwinter in diseased branches and diseased fruits, and met suitable temperature and humidity conditions in the following year. When the average temperature reached 10-12°C and the relative humidity reached 80% or more, spores began to form, and they were formed by wind and rain and insects. 1 dip. The disease is long-lasting and can be impregnated during the entire growth period of peach. High humidity is the leading cause of the occurrence and prevalence of this disease. The flowering and young fruit period is cold and rainy, and the fruit is warm during the ripening period. Cloudy foggy and high humidity are conducive to disease. The management of excessive soil viscosity, poor drainage, excessive nitrogen application, and severe canopy closure of the Taoyuan disease. Third, the prevention and control technology 1, orchard planning: Avoid construction in low-lying, poorly drained clay soil plots, to ridge transplantation, and pay attention to the choice of species. 2, to strengthen the cultivation and management: Apply more organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, timely summer cut, improve the tree structure, air and light. In combination with winter pruning, the dead branches, stagnant fruits, and fruit on the ground are removed, burned or buried deeply, and the source of infection is reduced. 3, chemical control. Pre-emergence spray wave US 3-4 degrees lime sulfur plus 80% sodium pentachlorophenol 200-300 times, or 1:1:100 Bordeaux mixture to eradicate the source. Spray 1 dose before flowering. After spraying, spray the medicine once every 10 days or so and spray 3-4 times. It can be used as 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 1000 times, 80% anthraquinone WP WP 800 times, 50% carbendazim WP 600-800 times, 50% cetan 400-500 times. Or 50% Tuzet WP 1000 times. The drug is preferably used interchangeably.

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