Sparse flower management technology after flowering

In general, flowering time is from the winter solstice to the big cold. Due to the difference in the thickness of the peduncle, the size of the flower on which it is planted also has strength and weakness, and the fruit that is formed also forms fruit. Therefore, manual sparse flowering from the bud stage to the flowering stage is an important method for obtaining high-quality fruit. Now we will elaborate the sparse flowering methods for reference.

First, the main area of ​​flowering

Generally, it is an important part of the sparse flower. From the top of the ear to the 5-15 cm base of the spike must be removed. Secondly, depending on the thickness of the pedicels at each part of the spike, the number of evacuation should be determined. All flower buds with thin pedicels should be removed.

Second, the sparse flower method

The number of flowers to be retained in a flower spike depends on the age of the tree. Second, it depends on the tree vigor. Third, it depends on the amount of flowers. Young fruiting trees, because of strong tree vigor, the amount of flowers is not much, each flower spike can be harvested by the fruit 0.5-0.7 kg. Such as Changhong No. 3 varieties, a single loquat fruit weight up to 40-60 grams, a calyx to stay 15-18 flowers is appropriate. In the future, 30% of small fruit can be removed, and the above yield can still be obtained. If there are too many flowers, the fruit is too small and the quality is poor. The results of the tree, strong tree vigor, each flower spike in accordance with the production of 0.5 kg fruit to stay, usually 12-16; weak tree leaves 8-12. Flowers in this range have the opportunity to obtain large fruits. Fruit thinning sequence: From top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, try to reduce the artificial operation on the sparse flower spikes that cause collision and fall.

Third, after the sparse flower management

Since the climate is still in the cold winter season, attention must be paid to raising the temperature, humidity, and supplementary sugar in the panicle. Choose sunny and cloudy weather, use 2% superphosphate leachate plus 0.2% white sugar as foliar fertilizer spray. The key parts of the spray are buds and leaves.

At the same time, when Xiehua, 0.5-1.5 kg of compound fertilizer was applied to promote fruit enlargement. When the temperature rises above 12°C, the leaves that cover the ears are removed, so that the lighting of the ears is sufficient, the sugar content is increased, the fruits are sweetened, and the quality is improved.

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