There is a good way to prevent fake fruit trees and suspended animation

After the fruit trees were planted, some fruit trees quickly sprouted, but after a period of growing time, they suddenly fell back and dried up. This phenomenon was called false living; on the contrary, some fruit trees did not germinate after planting, but Looking at the branches, the inside is green and the branches are soft and dry. After a few months or even the next year, it germinates and grows. This phenomenon is called suspended animation. Fruit tree false living means that some saplings have drawn branches due to their own stored nutrients, and they die because the root system is too weak or injured too seriously, and the plant is too deep and the conditions are unwell. When saplings that are sprouted and pumped are not supplied with water and nutrients for a long period of time, the nutrients stored in the tree are consumed, and they dry up and die. There are many reasons for false death of fruit trees, such as more seedling roots, poor root growth, too deep planting, buried roots and necks, high groundwater level and excessive watering, soil drought or lack of oxygen in the consolidation, and unreasonable drying. When leaving the weak buds or most of the blind buds (unable to shoot shoots), the fruit trees can delay germination and take root, resulting in suspended animation. Although the phenomenon of false living and suspended animation of fruit trees is completely different, the reasons for their occurrence are very similar, mainly due to poor quality seedlings of fruit trees, poor root growth, or excessive injury to seedlings. After planting plants, they did not create a suitable growth and development for them. Environmental conditions. In order to prevent false fruit trees and suspended animation, we must start from the following aspects. 1, the quality of seedlings must meet the standards, the tree is full and thick, fresh seedlings, root system developed, and at the same time when the seedlings do not hurt too much root, try to keep more roots. 2, planting pits require digging a bit larger, the soil with gravel is best put on good soil, and give some basic fertilizer. When planting can not be planted too deep, generally required to marry the interface with the ground. 3, when planting seedlings, the root can not be directly contact with fertilizer, to lay a layer of loose fine soil on the fertilizer, and then colonization. 4, pay attention to watering after planting, but the pit is very wet or shady zone can not be watered too much. 5, saplings to be fixed to see the tree buds, plastic belt must be selected to stay full of buds, to avoid leaving weak buds and blind buds.