Variety of doll dishes

1. Spring and Autumn Excellent Variety - Osaka Golden Bell

Characteristics: very early ripe yellow core doll dish, help thin, leaf tender, anti-twitching. The leaf ball is half-stacked with a bamboo tube type. When the doll is used, the net ball is 21-22cm high and the whole growth

New compounds can prevent tumors from "breathing"

A recent collaborative study by researchers in the United States and South Korea found that a new compound composed of two drugs can prevent tumors from "breathing" and is expected to be used to

Disposable wearable biosensor

On March 1, 2016, Vital Connect of the United States released a new product for wearable biosensors, the one-time "VitalPatch". Simply attach it to your chest and collect data such as electrocardiogram (unipolar), heart rate, heart rate fluctuations, respiratory sta

Anti-seasonal cultivation techniques for plastic greenhouse in winter

Water spinach is one of the most common vegetables on our table. The optimum temperature for growing vegetables is 25-30 degrees. When the temperature is below 10 degrees, it will stop growing. Therefore, plastic greenhouses are often used for anti-season cultivation in

Autumn radish planting management points

1. Soil preparation and fertilization: Choose sandy loam with deep soil, fertile soil, loose and breathable, and do not choose cruciferous vegetable gargle. Mainly based on the base fertilizer, supplemented by topdressing, combined with the land preparation of 5,000 tons of farmyard manure, an

Cotton refractory planting methods must be changed

In the era of conventional cotton seedlings, cotton seeding was mostly based on live broadcast, cotton planting density was higher, cotton row spacing was smaller, and cotton fertilization was more common. After the large-scale use of hybrid cotton, due to the large individual development

Chestnut post-harvest treatment

After the harvesting treatment, the chestnut meal has high temperature, high water content and high respiratory intensity, so it cannot be stacked in a large amount. Choose a cool and ventilated place, spread the chestnuts into a thin layer of 50-100 cm thick, cover a little weed, and inse

Winter vegetable re-rooting

First, the small water is poured, not to root and fat.

Second, alleviate salt damage, solve the problem that the concentration of soil solution is too high, resulting in less roots and poor rooting.

Salt damage is not formed overnight, and the solution to salt damage cannot