214 food properties and effects

Medication is not as good as food therapy. The poison of the drug is its partiality. It can only be used for disaster relief. The food also has its partiality, but its partiality is small, and it is possible to keep a lot of attention in the diet to keep healthy!

People's physique is different from yin and yang. The so-called yang yangsheng refers to a hot constitution or fever. Yinsheng is a cold constitution or a cold disease. According to its nature, food is also divided between cold and heat. The foods with generally cold nature are suitable for the yang winners, and the warm nature foods are suitable for the yang winners. Since food has different cold and heat properties, it is necessary to understand the nature of various foods in order to understand the understanding of food taboos.


1) Viscosity: Warm and warm. In the morning, porridge is eaten, there is a smooth stomach, help digestion, and the power of Shengji liquid. Eat porridge every morning, long muscles, increase appetite. Patients with indigestion, acute gastroenteritis, high fever, and gastrointestinal surgery should not eat sticky rice.

2) glutinous rice: cool, dry stomach, thirst. Chen Cangmi (the old rice that has been stored for many years) has dampness and heat, and it is not advisable to eat glutinous rice with urinate and urine.

3) glutinous rice: sweet and warm, spleen and lung Deficiency apply. But sticky, cooked hot, eat more hot and humid, moving fire. The fever should not eat.

4) Flour, sweet and warm, tonic and nourishment, filling five internal organs. However, people who are thirsty, stagnant and thirsty can eat less.

5) Black beans: cool and dry, kidney, eyesight, soothe the nerves, Yin and blood circulation. Commonly used for treating kidney deficiency and low back pain.

6) Soybeans: It is cold and sweet. It has pus, detoxification, and pain relief. Fried food is good for the spleen.

7) mung bean: cold, detoxification, clearing heat, detoxification, relieve summer heat and thirst quencher. Deficiency physique should avoid eating.

8) glutinous rice (Ganren Mi): Slightly cold and light, with moist and diuresis, spleen swelling effect. Pregnant women avoid eating.

9) Lotus: The temperature is sweet, spleen, traffic heart and kidney and 'something, governance spleen deficiency diarrhea, insomnia, women with turbidity, men's dreams. Dry stools are rarely used.

10) leeks: sexual Xin Wen, qi and blood, there are scattered vomiting vomiting effect, but also help kidney yang, cure impotence. Yin deficiency impotence and pregnant women with caution.

11) Welsh onions: Sexual liberation, sweating and relieving the skin, expectorant and blood circulation. Eat less hot stomach.

12) Garlic: Sexual temperature, stomach and expectorant, detoxification. Eat more raw oysters moving fire, yin deficiency should not eat.

13) Shantou: Sexual warming, adjusting the stomach, yang, qi and blood, governance cardiogastric pain. Qi deficiency and blood deficiency are used with caution.

14) 芫荽 芫荽 荽 荽 荽 荽 荽 荽 荽 荽 荽 荽 荽 荽 荽 : : : 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 温 荽 荽 。 。. Yin patients avoid eating.

15) Ginger: Sexual temperature, puberty, puberty, vomiting, odor, eliminate edema. Fever and acne patients should not eat.

16) Radish: It is sweet and cold, there is phlegm, digestion, detoxification. However, cold, cold body constitution bogey to eat. Do not eat radish when serving ginseng. Stomach pain patients who eat dried radish will relapse.

17) Melon: Cold, thirst, diuretic, eliminate edema. Patients with yang deficiency avoid eating.

18) Loofah: cool, cool, detoxify, and cool off. Eat cold stomach.

19) Eggplant: It is cold, bloody, and faint.

20) pepper; sexual Xin Wen, cold and stomach. Stomach heat and acne patients should not eat.

21) mustard; sexual cool, with divergence. Mild exogenous drinking mustard soup has a detoxification effect.

22) Cabbage: Cold, diuretic, clear lung heat. Lung cold cough bogey eat.

23) pumpkin; sweet warm, spleen hunger, warm stomach. Gastric fever patients eat less.

24) Cucumber: cool, thirst quenching, diuretic. Stomach deficient bogey eat.

25) Chinese kale: Astringent and astringent. Women eat less when their blood deficiency.

26) Long Kidney Bean (Bean Bean): Sex Gan Ping, Spleen.

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