A variety of poultry egg products processing technology

Yiyang Songhua preserved egg preserved egg is a special product of Yiyang City, Hunan Province, China and foreign countries, has more than 500 years of history. Songhua preserved eggs taste delicious, refreshing, Yu Xiang long, unique flavor. 1. 1000 raw fresh eggs (ingredients should be increased or decreased when processed with goose eggs and eggs), soda ash (food soda ash) 10kg, quicklime 25.25kg, tea powder 5kg, salt 4kg, Huangdan powder 0.9kg, plant ash 25 Kilograms, 25 kg of dry loess, 50 kg of water. 2. Select eggs one by one through the light inspection and knocking inspection, select the shell of a solid, complete fresh egg processing. 3. Preparation of soup, the black tea, salt, soda, Huangdan powder into the tank, pour hot water, stir and then pour in quicklime in batches, while stirring, remove the lime mud sediment and other 1 ~ 2 Days, it can be used until the chemical reaction is completely completed. 4. Pickled eggs Wash the selected fresh eggs and dry them, and then put them into the jar or the altar, cover with a bamboo skewer or pressed egg net cover, slowly pour into the soup, and finally seal and seal the cylinder mouth at 20°C~ At 25°C, it matures within 25 to 30 days. 5. After the mature mud egg is mature, the mud shall be contained to prevent the eggshell from being broken and deteriorated. Use cold water to wash off the residue on the egg, mix the soup and the loess, and adjust the consistency with the ash. The egg is evenly coated with a layer of mud, and then rolled on a layer of rice hull or glutinous rice, and then sealed in the cylinder, after about 1 month can mature into the market. Sand Lake salted eggs taste delicious, delicate, protein crystal, egg butter Run, unique flavor. There are production in all parts of China, but the salted eggs are most famous in Hubei Shahu and Hunan Dongting Lake. 1. The water-curing method puts the washed fresh eggs into the tank, and uses 1.5 kg of salt per 10 kg of eggs, and pours the water into cold water and pours it into the tank. You can also pour it hot into the yard of eggs, so that the salted egg whites are not hard and oily. Cover the bamboo poles, seal the cylinder mouth, and prepare salted eggs after about 1 month. Used brine can be reused. 2. 10 kg of loess, 2 kg of salt, 2 kg of water, 2 kg of sludge, 2 kg of water, 3 kg of sludge, and evenly packed on the eggs, rolled on the husk and stored in a cylinder, after 30 to 40 days Cooked, spring and autumn again after about 50 days out of the tank. Marinated eggs can be kept for 2 to 3 months. 3. Rolling salt method uses 60 kg of liquor and 2 kg of salt for 60 kg of liquor and 2 kg of salt for each 10 kg of fresh eggs. First dip the egg in white wine, roll on a layer of salt and place it flat in the altar. Spread the remaining salt on the egg surface and seal the cylinder mouth. After 35 to 40 days, it can be marinated. 4. The salted method uses 2kg of chilli sauce, 2kg of salt, and 500g of white wine per 10kg of fresh eggs. Pour the wine in chili sauce and mix well. Scoop the eggs in the sauce. Roll in the salt and put it in the jar. Mix the remaining salt with the sauce. Mix the remaining salt with the sauce and sprinkle it on the egg. After 50 days, mature. Pinghu bad egg is a famous product in China's bad drunk food, especially the bad one in Zhejiang Pinghu. The bad egg membrane is complete, the color is crystal clear, the taste of the wine is fragrant, the salty is sweet, the aftertaste is long, very delicious, and the long storage is not bad. 1. Break the shell with bamboo pieces to make the eggshell longitudinal cracks. Turn the eggs for half a week and then click to make the cracks in a line, but do not damage the egg membrane. 2. If the system is used to process 1000 duck eggs, 120 kg of edible alcohol and 35 kg of salt can be used to make the sludge. Wash and sterilize the cylinder. Spread some bad mud on the bottom of the cylinder. Insert the big egg upright and insert it into the bad material. Place a layer of egg on it to put a layer of bad material. Finally, apply 8cm thick material. Sprinkle. Some salt, sealed cylinder mouth, bad system can be listed in about 4 months. Shanghai drunk eggs Shanghai drunk eggs are cooked products that are soaked in wine and soy sauce. They are drunk and drunk. Finished drunk protein is delicate, the egg body is full and complete, the fragrance is pure and rich, and it is best to eat raw food. 1. For every 100 kilograms of fresh eggs, 50 kilograms of white wine and rice wine and 50 kilograms of high-quality soy sauce are used per 100 kilograms of fresh eggs. 2. Processing (1) drunk. Tap the eggshell with bamboo pieces to make it crack, then lay it flat on the jar or in the altar, slowly pour in drunken liquid, seal the cylinder mouth, and get drunk after 1~2 months. (2) Drunk. Put the egg in the pot and cook it. After knocking out the crack, soak it with intoxication for 4-7 days. If you don't eat immediately, you can continue to be drunk and the fragrance will be better after years. Used drunk can also be reused. Spiced preserved eggs 1. Raw fresh duck eggs, eggs or goose eggs 1000, soda 3.5 to 4 kg, 10 kg of lime, 2 kg of salt, 2 kg of black tea, 0.5 kg of plant ash, pepper, aniseed 400 grams each. 2. In addition to processing lime, the other ingredients are put in the pot and boiled. After the residue is added, the quicklime is added slowly, and the mixture is stirred into a paste. The dried dilute paste of the paste is adjusted with the plant ash, and the material sludge after the cold is formed. The selected fresh eggs are rolled on the mud to make them covered with mud. After being rolled on the husks, they are put into the jar for marinating. Generally, after more than ten days, they can be opened and eaten.

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