Can pregnant women eat bitter gourd?

Can pregnant women eat bitter gourd?

The nutritional value of bitter gourd is extremely high. It contains many nutrients and is rich in vitamin B1. It has the functions of preventing and treating beriberi, maintaining normal heart function, promoting milk secretion, and increasing appetite. The vitamin C contained in bitter gourd is 10 to 20 times more than vegetable melon and sponge gourd. It has the functions of preventing scurvy, protecting cell membranes, detoxifying, preventing atherosclerosis, anti-cancer, improving body stress, preventing colds, and protecting the heart. Bitter melon contains insulin-like substance polypeptide-P, which has the effect of lowering blood sugar.

Bitter melon contains quinine, which has the effect of excitement of the uterus. Mothers eat easily after the uterus contraction, resulting in miscarriage, premature delivery and other consequences. In addition, bitter gourd eat easily lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, is not conducive to the mother and fetal baby's health.

However, bitter gourd contains quinine, quinine will stimulate uterine contractions, causing miscarriage, so pregnant women should not eat bitter gourd. Quinine is a medicine made by extracting active ingredients from plants. It does have the side effects of stimulating uterine contractions and causing miscarriage. However, experts believe that the small amount of quinine in bitter gourd, pregnant women eat properly bitter gourd will not cause abortion, and bitter melon stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, promote gastrointestinal motility, to improve the digestion and absorption of pregnant women, increase appetite, etc. There are good points.

Therefore, pregnant women can eat bitter melons during pregnancy. Its role in clearing away heat and removing heat, reducing blood pressure and reducing blood pressure, has also been documented in the "Compendium of Materia Medica". Expectant mothers are most likely to have symptoms of obesity during pregnancy, but if they want to lose weight, they may worry about fetal malnutrition. In order to improve this situation, they should drink a bitter gourd juice or bitter gourd tea or a bitter gourd stew. Ribs, because momordicin is known as a "fat killer" and can dissolve more than fat and sugar.

However, cold bitter melon, pregnant women with stomach deficiency should not eat.


The effect of bitter gourd

Western medicine proves that the anti-cancer efficacy of bitter gourd comes from a quinine-like protein, which is an active protein that activates immune cells and kills cancer cells or other abnormal cells through immune cells as a "setter." Bitter gourd seeds contain a protease inhibitor that inhibits the secretion of proteases by tumor cells, thereby inhibiting the invasion and metastasis of cancer cells.

At the same time, bitter gourd fruit is rich in protein, sugar, minerals and various vitamins. In particular, vitamin C content is particularly prominent, 14 times for cucumber, 5 times for wax gourd and 7 times for tomato. In addition, it also contains iron, vitamin A, B, and inorganic salts. The bitter gourd contains a special glycoside that is bitterly cold and can stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice. It can promote appetite and help digestion.

The role of bitter gourd is as follows

1, urine short red astringent pain: bitter gourd a smashed mud, add sugar and mix well, one hour after the juice extrusion, one-time drink.

2, dysentery: 200 grams of bitter gourd, smashed a glass of Jiaozhi, add sugar 40 grams, boiled water.

3, chronic bronchitis: chopped bitter gourd 500 grams, decoction juice, boil 20 jujube, to be removed after the Zaopi start, the remaining liquid into a paste, sooner or later take a spoonful of ointment.

4, eyes and red swelling and pain: bitter melon drying Chaojiao, research and go-between, each 10 grams, a gram of rushes boiled water delivery service.

5, dumplings: tender bitter gourd chopped, rubbing the affected area, 3 times a day.

6, swollen summer pain: bitter gourd or bitter gourd leaf amount, smashed the affected area, dressing 3 times a day.


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