Children's diet problems and solutions

Children's diet problems and solutions

The early childhood stage is an important stage of dietary interventions for young children. Therefore, in the structured interviews for teacher recruitment, the problem of young children's diet is often the test center. Therefore, candidates should pay attention to this part of the content. The following public experts will analyze the contents of common problems and solutions for the children's diet in detail for the majority of candidates to help the candidates understand the direction and matters needing attention in the interview.

【Question one】

Young children often need detailed instruction from teachers in the aspects of life. What should kindergarten teachers pay attention to when organizing young children to eat?

There are many aspects that need attention in order to organize children to have a meal. When candidates answer, they do not have to insist on everything. All they have to do is extract the key points. Specifically, first, when children are eating, teachers can put some beautiful and relaxing music to create a good atmosphere for children. Second, when dining, teachers should consider the speed of the children's meal, can allow children who eat slowly to eat in advance. Third, when children are eating, teachers should carefully observe the children's meal situation, such as whether the children's use of chopsticks, spoons is correct, and promptly tell children how to correctly use the dishes. Fourth, when feeding young children, teachers should observe whether the children eat the bowl of food cleanly and swallow their food in order to educate and guide children to develop a good habit of cherishing food.

Candidates can think from the above perspective when dealing with this meal-related topic, and they can also look for their own perspective. Regardless of the point of view, candidates need to pay attention to ensuring that the answer is logical and hierarchical.

[Question 2]

What should teachers do if they are afraid to raise their hands after dinner?

The children’s inability to raise their hands and add rice is largely due to their child’s timidity and their inability to express their wishes. In kindergarten’s day’s activities, teachers should be conscious to help young children to increase their guts, such as bringing young children into contact with new things and encouraging young children. Interact with other kids. At the same time, we must also protect children's self-esteem. We must not intimidate or threaten people. We must be good at discovering the bright spots of young children. At the same time, in the process of eating, pay more attention to the child and ask if he wants to add meals.

[Question 3]

During the meal, children slap, what should teachers do?

Because young children are naturally active, it is difficult for teachers to restrain children from observing discipline at all times. Candidates in the face of child slapstick problems can be described as follows: should immediately stop the slapstick behavior, the young children to sit and guide children to quiet dining. After the meal is over, find slapstick children to learn about the situation and conduct guided education. When answering the questions, the examinee should respect the subjectivity of the children. Do not use harsh language to criticize the children and avoid harming their self-esteem.

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