Early rice breeding technology

Fertility is a key link for a good early rice. At present, the temperature gradually rises, and our province will gradually enter the early rice breeding stage from south to north. The early rice breeding technology is introduced as follows: The selected varieties are based on the local climate conditions, crop layout, grain quality requirements for early rice, etc., choose a good variety of good traits, rice quality, disease resistance, moderate growth period. Early rice seedlings also require that the selected cultivars have thick stalks, short stems, strong resistance to lodging, and strong mid-range tillers; live-early rice cultivars must have strong rooting and seedling cold resistance, compact plant type, and thick stalks. Resistance to lodging, mid-range delivery force, early and middle maturity. Disinfecting Seeds: Rice seed must be disinfected before sowing, and 25% can be used to sterilize seeds such as 100g of EC or 1.5% of WP or 18% of rice seed wettable powder. Soaking seed germination: general early rice soaking need 2.5-3 days. Seeds that have been soaked in liquid medicine and soaked in water can be germinated after rinsing with fresh water if they have enough water. If they do not absorb enough water, they must be soaked in fresh water. In order to reduce the bad shoots and improve the seed germination rate and the rate of pod formation, germination is required. First immerse the immersed seeds in hot water at 50°C for 2-3 minutes and then put them into heaps to keep the temperature at 35-38°C. Generally after 15-20 hours, the seeds can be broken and white, and then Through proper temperature and temperature of about 30°C and 20-25°C heat and germination, the buds can be cooled and used for sowing. Dry seedlings and seedlings should be planted by breaking the chest. When the seedlings are broken by more than 95% of the chest, they should be soaked in cold water at 10°C for 5-10 minutes. Whole field fertilization: Choose the fields where the soil is soft and fertile, there are few weeds, the irrigation and irrigation is convenient, the sun is sunny, and the shelter is sunny. Half wet and dry seedlings are required to have a flat ditch at the top of the gills and a moderate softness and hardness at the bottom. The sampan board is 1.7-2 meters wide, the sulcus width is about 0.2 meters, and the sloping line is fixed. The cultivator is ploughed and dried, and the plough depth is about 10 centimeters; the soil is smashed, and the river is filled with mud and gully mud. We are waiting for the broadcast. Putian base fertilizer is generally 750-1000 kg of organic fertilizer applied in Mushi, and 15-20 kg of ammonium bicarbonate is applied. With Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizers, it is applied when it is made of wool. Better fertilized fields such as green manure fields and rape fields can reduce the application rates of organic fertilizers and nitrogen fertilizers. Dry seedlings are preferred for nursery beds that have been cultivated for many years. The dry nursery seedbed can be used to apply the rice seedling nutrient to complete the adjustment of acid, disinfection, fertilization, chemical modification, etc., and save labor and labor. Timely and appropriate sowing: The sowing date of rice should be determined according to climatic conditions, species characteristics, and irrigating before and after. When the average temperature on the spring day is stable at 12°C, catch the "cold-tail warmer" to clear up the crop. Two crops of early-season rice, Zhejiang, and southern Zhejiang provinces are generally sowed in large quantities around March 25, and northern Zhejiang province is sown at the end of March and early April. Early-maturing or medium-maturing varieties should be sowed late, otherwise they are vulnerable to low temperature hazards, resulting in a large number of empty shell production. The three-cropping early-season rice must be sown in stages according to the maturity of the previous crop and the growth period of the variety, so that the “three counterparts” of the sowing date, seedling age, and transplanting date can be achieved. The average age of common medium-maturing varieties is not longer than 35 days, and the latest sowing date is no later than April 25. The appropriate age of late-maturing varieties is not longer than 40 days, and the latest sowing date is no later than April 14. Sowing amount, generally green fertile field or winter field early rice field sowing acres 40-50 kg; barley acres broadcast 30-40 kg; rape field or wheat field sowing 25-30 kg. The sowing amount of seedlings for dry nursery seedlings is generally 200-250 grams of conventional rice seeds that have been exposed and exposed white per square meter, and 180-220 grams of seeds for hybrid rice (all of which are bud-height weight). Fertilizer and water management: Wetland was cultivated in semi-drought and weed irrigation was conducted from sowing to 2 leaves and 1 heart period. Grasping sunny gutter water, cloudy half ditch water, and rain draining water. After 2 leaf 1 heart period, the water can be on the raft. 2-3 leaves pay attention to water temperature, water seedlings. In particular, when the average daily temperature is often below 15°C and then sunny, the maximum temperature exceeds 25°C, and the temperature difference between day and night is greater than 15°C, we must keep the shallow water layer on the seesaw to prevent yellow seedlings or dead plants. When encountering a strong cold air attack, the deep water shall be used to protect the seedlings. When the mulching of plastic film is used for ventilation to remove the film, it must be filled with water to prevent the seedlings from losing water and cause blue-green dead seedlings. In the 1 leaf 1 heart to 2 leaf stage as early as the application of "weaning fertilizer", Mushi 4 kg of urea or 500 kilograms of human fecal urine; in the 2.5-3 leaf stage to promote good manure, Mushi 4-5 kg ​​of urea; Apply 4-8 kilograms of urea in Mushi before 4-5 days before picking. Dry seedlings seedlings are planted until they are needles, and are mainly kept warm and moisturized. After being needled, the water is strictly controlled and the roots are tied downwards. The membrane is removed in the morning and the membrane is covered in the evening to carry out the hardening. The leaves can be uncovered at the 2nd leaf stage, and the film is usually removed after sunny afternoons, cloudy mornings and rainy days. In case of low temperature and cold wave, the film can be extended for a longer period of time. After uncovering the film, if the seedlings are subject to blight, 50 grams of strong stimulant is applied to the seedbed per square meter in the affected area (even when the surface of the seedless bead is not sprayed), and then watered to effectively prevent and treat the disease. In addition, if de-fertilization occurs, ammonium persulfate or ammonium nitrate 20-30 grams per square meter can be used to spray a 10% solution and wash with water after application. Before uncovering the film and throwing it to the seedling, generally, in the morning or evening when the seedling leaves do not have water-dried beads, or the bed is dried, or when the midday leaves are rolled, the evening water or the morning watering is selected, and the water is wetted with 3 cm thick topsoil. However, it is not very fertile to the soil. It is better to use water for irrigating each time than to build a boring machine. Only strict control of seedling moisture can enhance the growth advantage of Honda. In case of low temperature and rain, it is necessary to timely cover the film and protect the seedlings from water, so as to avoid excessive humidity in the soil, long crops, and reduced seedling quality. Prevention of pests and diseases: We must focus on the prevention and control of diseases such as cotton rot, blight, bacterial wilt, and seedling mites. Disinfect the seeds before sowing, and transplant the seeds with herbs. Dry nursery seedbeds, should pay attention to prevention and control of blight, if the rice seedlings used in the finishing of seedlings, do not have to worry about the occurrence of the disease.