Golden Heart Brazilian Iron

Jinxin Brazil Iron, also known as Brazil Millennium Wood, is a horticultural variant of the Fragrant Dendrobium. It belongs to the genus Lilium and is a member of the genus of the genus Lilium. When it is in its broad band, it gathers in the upper part of the stem. There is a golden yellow wide stripe in the center of the blade and both sides are green. It is an excellent two-leaf plant. The same is commonly cultivated in the white edge of the Millennium wood, leaf-year-old wood, three-color leaves Millennium wood and so on. Although Jinxiu Iron is called West Rail, it is not produced in Brazil, but is produced in Canary Islands and Guinea, Africa, and is suitable for high temperature, high humidity and good ventilation. The suitable growth temperature is 20-30°C. Tolerance to yin, fear of the hot sun, avoid drying and drought, hi loose and well-drained sandy soil. Jinxin Brazil iron cultivation is relatively simple, the cultivation of basin soil should have good drainage and ventilation, can be used garden soil 3, peat and sand 1 each mixed use. Although it has a wide range of adaptability to light, strong illumination from May to October can lead to yellowing or dry tipping of the leaves. Attention should be paid to shading during this period of time. Bright light scattering should be given, and watering is usually required. When it is dry, it should be poured again. During the growing season, water is often sprayed to increase the surrounding humidity. For example, one can plant indoors and watch the plants. In addition to water spray, the pots can be placed on the sand table to create a moist microclimate. In the rainy season, it is necessary to prevent the accumulation of water in the basin, and the requirement for fertilizer is not high. Apply 15% cake water every month. Do not use too much nitrogen fertilizer or make it too dark for a long time, otherwise the yellow stripes on the leaves will retreat. The golden heart Brazil iron has strong germination power. After pruning, the buds under the incision will germinate. Therefore, plants with poor image such as high plants or feet may be renewed by recutting. This flower is poor in cold resistance, and should maintain a room temperature of about 10°C after entering the room in winter. Otherwise, even if it is yellow, it will seriously affect the growth of the second year. Breeding mainly uses cutting method, as long as the temperature above 15 °C can be carried out, the best around 25 °C, the method is to take 5-10 cm into the stem or cross into the clean vermiculite or sand, pay attention to moisturizing after cutting, it is Rooting will germinate soon, but it should be noted that the cuttings should not be inverted when cutting. Brazilian iron is also suitable for water culture. Take a section of the stem and cut the incision. The upper incision should be waxed to remove water, and then it should be placed in 2-3 cm deep water. It should be changed every 10 days or so. Water to keep the water clean.