Eggplant tinea water cough it

In everyday life, the vegetables you throw away may be important! The eggplant pedicle is the top one of the eggplant, and it is usually thrown away when cooking. The medicinal value of eggplant pedicle is extremely high!

Eggplant tinea water cough it

Method: Take 3 fresh strips of purple eggplant cut off from the root of the pedicle, first put in the refrigerator and freeze for a long time (to be thawed), then put it into the pot and boil water, boil water for 5 minutes, go to the eggplant Drink water 3 times a day. Eggplant has the medicinal value of clearing heat, and after freezing, it has increased its coldness. It can be said that it is the right medicine for the hyperactivity of cough caused by internal heat.

How to do cough

Cough is a protective respiratory reflex action by the body to clear secretions or foreign bodies in the respiratory tract. Despite its favorable side, severe long-term coughing can cause respiratory bleeding.

Attention to diet regulation

As the saying goes, "The fish makes fire, the meat makes oysters, and the bean curd preserves peace." Chinese medicine believes that fish, crabs, shrimps, fats, and other fatty and greasy foods may promote phlegm, and some may also cause allergic reactions and aggravate the condition. Pepper, pepper, ginger, and other spicy products, have a stimulating effect on the respiratory tract, make the cough worse, we must pay attention to avoid. Fresh vegetables such as vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, etc., can provide a variety of vitamins and inorganic salts, which is beneficial to the recovery of the body's metabolic function.

Ensure adequate sleep

During sleep, the whole body muscles relax, the response to external stimuli is reduced, and heartbeat, breathing, excretion and other activities are reduced, which is conducive to the recovery of various organ functions and the rehabilitation of diseases. Should try to rest in bed, to ensure adequate sleep, in order to help the body recover.

The medicinal value of eggplant pedicle

The eggplant tastes colder and the eggplant pedicle just balances its coldness. The nutritional value of eggplant is very clear to everyone. In fact, eggplant can be used as a whole. Its fruit, eggplant, eggplant, root, flowers, leaves, and seedlings all have functions such as pain, swelling, heat, and blood circulation. The meaty flesh is thicker and is a key part of good medicine. Eggplant pedicle contains a variety of vitamins, can reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure, have anti-cancer, prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Eggplant pedicles can also prevent mouth ulcers. The medicinal value of eggplant pedicle has long been recorded in ancient books: 【Functions and Indications】 cooling blood; detoxification. The main intestine wind under the blood; bloated; aphthous; toothache.

1, "Ben Cao Yan Yi Supplements": cure aphthous ulcers.

2, "Compendium of Materia Medica": burn ash, cure toothache. Cut raw, rub the hurricane.

3, "Lingnan Cai Yao Lu": The treatment of hair and back to the beginning of poisoning, with 104 to one, water, wine decoction.

Need to remind 1, under the eggplant pedicle is not that hard to get the child, but the children and eggplant between the child care, the middle of the hard core is to be removed.

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