How does onion planting achieve high yields? Onion quality and high yield cultivation technology

Onion is not only popular in foreign countries, but also one of the indispensable ingredients of many delicious dishes in China. Onion is a kind of health-care vegetable that is popular among the people. Because of its high yield per mu, good planting efficiency, long sales cycle and easy cultivation of cultivation techniques, it is an excellent crop variety that promotes farmers' income.


First, the biological characteristics

Onion-like roots, very few root hairs, mainly distributed in the 15 cm tillage layer. The stem is shortened and called "disk-shaped stem" with leaves on it. The leaves are hollow, and the transverse section is in the shape of a half moon. It consists of two parts, a sheath and a tubular leaf. It grows upright and synthesizes a "pseudo stem" from the sheath of the leaf.

The base of the leaf sheath is swollen into bulbs, and the bulbs are oblate, round or oblong, and the skin is purple, yellow or greenish white. Umbelliferous, with 200 to 1300 flowers, cross-pollination. The result. Seed shield, black, 1000-grain weight 3 g ~ 4 g. Seeds are used for one year.

Second, the type of variety

(1) Variety selection

Onion varieties can be divided into four types: red skin, yellow skin, purple skin and white skin. At present, there are many varieties of red and yellow rind, which should be selected according to the target market demand, consumption habits, storage, yield and other items. The high quality, high yield, strong resistance, and good commodity are suitable for their ecological types. Variety.

(2) Seed quality

New seeds for the year should be used. Seed quality requires purity ≥95%, clarity ≥98%, germination rate ≥94%, moisture ≤10%.

Third, seedling technology

(1) Sowing period

Whether the choice of seeding period is appropriate or not depends on the quality of onion production. Onion is a green-green vernalization crop. Bulb expansion is controlled by the number of light hours. If the seedlings are too large, the temperature will pass through vernalization, and the convulsion rate will increase in the next year, which will affect the yield. On the contrary, the seedlings are too small to reach the sunshine hours. The scorpion is small and it is difficult to grow into a big ball.

The determination of the onion sowing period is related to the climatic conditions, planting time, cultivation measures and variety characteristics of the current year. The mulch cover for autumn planting can be planted later; the time for sowing the cultivars can be earlier, and the red cultivar can be broadcast for several days, yellow skin. The variety can be broadcast for a few days.

Fertile soil can be broadcast for a few days, and the conditions of poor fertilizer and water can be broadcast for a few days. The early-maturing varieties are 7-10 days earlier than the late-maturing varieties; the conventional varieties are 4 to 5 days earlier than the hybrids.

(2) Preparation for nursery

1. Determination of the area of ​​nursery nursery

It should be determined according to the density of the seedbed and the actual seedling volume. Generally, 500 to 600 grams of onion per acre is needed, and about 80 to 100 square meters of nursery is needed.

The seeding density is not too thin, otherwise the seedlings are long and the weeds grow too much; but they are not too dense, causing the seedlings to grow and the weak seedlings to increase.

2, nursery and soil preparation

Nursery nursery is generally selected for 2 to 3 years without the pasture of onion and garlic, and the terrain is high, drainage is good, with loam and sandy loam as well.

More flat sputum, about half a month before sowing, the ground will be deep, generally apply fully decomposed farmyard manure, about 2000 kg per acre, if 10 to 15 kg of superphosphate is better, but remember not to apply unfertilized Organic fertilizer to avoid the occurrence of burning seedlings or insects.

After fertilization, the ploughing is carried out 2 to 3 times, and the depth is 15 to 20 cm, so that the soil is thoroughly mixed. Then use the flat hoe to break the soil and level it, and prepare it for planting.

3, sowing

Soak the seeds for 10 to 12 hours and sow them. When the seeds germinate and the radicles pierce the seed coat, that is, the farmers say "turning the mouth" and "whitening", they should be planted in time. If the seeding is too late, the radicle is too long and vulnerable to damage.

Onion sowing should be selected according to the soil conditions. The sandy soil is mostly used for stripping. It is about to cut the shallow ditch about 2 cm deep and 5 to 8 cm apart. Sprinkle the seeds into the ditch and sweep the sides of the ditch with a broom to sweep the seeds into the ditch. And the effect of covering the soil, and finally stepping on the foot with a foot, so that the seed and the soil are tightly combined and watered. If the seedlings are not out and the soil surface is dry, the water can be replenished until the seedlings are out.

Loam and cohesive soil are mostly spread, that is, the whole nursery nursery is re-finished and flattened, and the foot is lightly stepped on, so that the soil is tightly combined to prevent unevenness after watering, and then water is poured to ensure sufficient soil moisture. . When the soil is not sticky, the loquat will be ploughed and ploughed, then spread, and the surface will be flattened with a flat hoe to cover the seeds. This method generally does not need to be watered before emergence.

In the planting, the method of spreading the soil is often used, that is, the whole nursery nursery is re-tidyed and flattened, and the foot is lightly stepped on, so that the soil is tightly combined to prevent the unevenness after the watering, and then the water is poured, and the next day is regarded as the sensation. It can be poured once more water. After the water is completely infiltrated, a thin layer of fine dry soil is lightly sprinkled on the surface of the crucible to prevent the seed from being boiled during sowing, which is also conducive to the radicle down. Spread the seeds evenly on the noodles, and sprinkle them about 3/4 when sowing. The remaining seeds see where they are scattered, where to fill them, and strive to spread evenly.

After the seeding is finished, the soil is covered with a thick soil of about 1 to 1.5 cm. Sometimes it is covered with two layers of soil, that is, 1 cm thick and fine soil is first covered. When the seed is broken, 0.5 cm thick fine soil is added to prevent capping. Unearthed, this promotes root development.

Onion seeds take a long time to emerge, it takes about 10 to 14 days. In order to protect the oysters, you can cover the straw, reeds, straw, etc. in the glutinous rice noodles, or cover the outer cover, or choose the shade shed plastic shed to play the role of moisturizing and cooling. When the seed emergence rate reaches about 70%, the sunny cover is gradually removed in the afternoon, and if it is not timely, the seedlings are easily injured, lengthened, and induced diseases.

4, seedling management

In the process of seedling growth, water management is extremely important. When “pull the bow” and “stretch the waist”, there must be no water shortage. It is found that the floor panel should be watered in time, otherwise the seedling will die due to lack of water. When all the seedlings are out and the first true leaves are released, the water seedlings should be properly controlled to promote root growth and prevent the upper part from growing. The water control time is about 10 days. Later, according to the weather and the growth of the seedlings, the water management is based on the principle of seeing dryness.

When the seedlings grow 2 true leaves, combined with watering and applying nitrogen fertilizer, apply 12~18 kg of urea per acre, or apply about 500 kg of sieving soil and fertilizer. If the seedlings grow too vigorously, the fertilizer should be controlled to prevent the seedlings from being too large, and the seedlings are prone to mantle and thrips, and should be prevented in time.

Fourth, planting technology

The onion is suitable for planting from late October to early November. Planting is too early, the seedlings are not easy to manage, easy to convulsion; if the planting is too late, the growth period before winter is short, the root system can not be fully developed, the cold tolerance is reduced, and it is easy to cause wintering dead seedlings, which seriously affects the development of bulbs.

At the time of planting, the seedlings, diseased seedlings, dwarf seedlings and easily twitched seedlings (pseudo stem diameter greater than 1.0 cm) and thin extra small seedlings (pseudo stem diameter less than 0.4 cm) were eliminated. The selected healthy seedlings are graded according to their size, and the same level seedlings are planted together for easy management, and the fertilizer is appropriately added to the seedlings.

With a diameter of 1 to 2 cm short wood (a shaved conical) pricked in the planting furrow planting, then tamped with wet soil, planting row spacing is generally 15 to 18 cm, spacing 13 to 15 cm, planted about 20,000 per acre ~ 22,000.

The planting depth is 2 to 3 cm, so that the small bulbs are buried, the water is not poured, and the roots are not drifted. Planting too deep is not conducive bulb enlargement, the plants are easy to lodging too shallow. Sandy soil can be slightly darker, slightly lighter heavy clay soil.


V. Field management

This period refers to the time when the autumn plant is green, and the bulb is swollen and mature. The suitable temperature is 15 °C ~ 26 °C. This is the key period for the growth of onion. The management of fertilizer and water should be appropriate, and the pests should be controlled.

1. Watering at the right time

After the autumn of the onion is planted in the spring, the period before the stem and leaf grow rapidly is called the early stage of the plant, the temperature is lower, and the water is kept as little as possible.

Before and after the Qingming, the water should be poured back to the Qingshui. It should not be too early, so as not to affect the ground temperature, or too late. Otherwise, the seedlings will be dehydrated. The growth is slow, the leaves are short, and the tips of the leaves are dry.

After the onion is finished, the seedlings or the autumn plants are returned to the green, and before the bulbs enter the expansion period, they are called the plants. From "Qingming" to "Lixia", the average temperature in the outside world increased from 13 °C to 18 °C, and the sunshine hours increased from 12 hours to 14 hours, which is suitable for plant growth. After the end of the prolonged period, it should be watered in time, usually every 8 to 9 days, in order to see the wet and deep soil is always moist.

When the plant grows to 8 to 9 functional leaves, a seedling is carried out to promote the transformation of the plant to the bulb expansion period. The seedling time is about 10 days, and the bulb ends when the bulb begins to expand. Two seedlings will be planted in spring, and one seedling will be planted in autumn. Special attention should be paid during production.

Onions grow from the bulbs to the stems and leaves, and when the bulbs mature, the onion bulbs are inflated. The time ranges from “lixia” to “summer day”. The average temperature in the outside is 20°C~26°C, and the sunshine hours are more than 14 hours. Watering should be done in time after seedlings. Due to the high outside temperature and large evaporation, the plants need more water. It is better to pour water once every 6-7 days. In order to keep the surface soil moist, the water should not be lacking, otherwise the onion bulbs become hot.

Watering was stopped about 1 week before harvest, and the stems and leaves began to fall and entered the harvesting period. During the harvest period, the bulb outer skin has been basically membranous and stops growing. If the water is absorbed again, the internal scales continue to grow, increasing the pressure on the outer skin. The onion head ruptures and is easily rotted. At the same time, the onion has high water content, which is not conducive to storage and harvest control. Moisture should be dried in time to help transform into dormancy and prolong sleep.

2, staged topdressing

After the onion is applied to the base fertilizer, the plant does not need to be fertilized in the early stage, and the plant is prosperous and the bulb is inflated according to the condition of watering the seedling, and the application is generally carried out five times.

After the end of the plant, the plant should be topdressed with water in a timely manner. Generally, 1000-2000 kg of decomposed organic fertilizer is applied per mu, and 25-30 kg of superphosphate is added, and 5-10 kg of potassium sulphate is used as the base fertilizer. Potassium fertilizer should be combined with cultivating alone, and should not be mixed with organic fertilizers to avoid reducing fertilizer efficiency.

It is difficult to apply organic fertilizer after mulching, and it can be replaced by 10 to 15 kg of diammonium phosphate or 25 to 30 kg of compound fertilizer. The second fertilizer is applied every two weeks or so, and 1000 kg of manure per acre is applied, mixed with 10 to 15 kg of potassium sulfate, and watering is applied 2 to 3 days after the application of excrement to avoid loss of fertilizer efficiency. These two fertilizers are called “lifting seedlings”, which aims to promote the growth of plants and lay the foundation for stem enlargement in the later stage.

After the plant is over for a long time, the seedlings should be applied 2 to 3 times to ensure the nutrient supply during the expansion period, and reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied in the late stage of bulb expansion, so as to avoid plant growth and affecting maturity.

Apply 10-15 kg of urea per acre, or 10-20 kg of ammonium sulfate, and add 5-10 kg of potassium sulfate, which not only increases the potassium fertilizer, but also supplements the sulfur fertilizer. When applying ammonium sulfate, attention should be paid to ditching and fertilizing, and then the chemical fertilizer is buried in the soil to prevent the ammonium fertilizer from volatilizing in the form of ammonia gas.

3, cultivating soil

After the plant is prolonged, it should be cultivated in time. On the one hand, it can protect the earth, increase the ground temperature, and on the other hand, prevent alkali damage.

In production, weeding is often combined with weeding for a depth of about 3 cm. The plants are shallowly ploughed, and the plants are deeper away from the plants. When the plants are closed, the cultivating is stopped. Carrying cultivating soil can increase production.

4, picking buds, 劈薹

Onion often has early convulsions during the spring growth process. At this time, although the lateral buds can also grow small balls, they have lost the value of the commodity and strictly affect the yield. In the production, bud and scorpion methods are often used to promote lateral bud differentiation and obtain some harvest.

The time of bud extraction is the highest when the flower buds are not open, and the buds are prematurely reduced to reduce the yield. Picking buds to remove the flower buds without destroying the flower buds is better than licking the mites, which can make full use of the nutrients in the flower buds and prevent the rain from entering the bulbs causing the rots to rot.

The method of "劈薹" is to split the flower buds from top to bottom in two halves to promote the growth of the lateral buds and squeeze the buds to one side to form a more substantial bulb.

Sixth, pest control

Although onion pests and diseases are not serious in other vegetables, they can cause great losses if they occur in large numbers. In the production, we should select the disease-resistant varieties, pay attention to the rotation, and use the plots that have not been planted with onions for 2 to 3 years. When breeding, try not to be adjacent to the onion and garlic, and reduce the source of pests and diseases; Walking, reducing the amount of bacteria in the soil; timely draining, etc., can reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases.

The main diseases of onion are purple spot disease, onion rust, gray mold, soft rot, etc. The main pests are onion horse, leaf miner, noctuid, and diamondback moth.

1, purple spot disease

Mainly harmful leaves and pedicels. At the beginning, it is a small white spot with water stains. It turns into a light brown round or a slightly concave shape of the spindle shape, and continues to expand in brown or dark purple. The onset temperature is 25-27 °C, and the disease is heavy in the warm and humid summer, and the incidence of old seedlings and fat-deficient fields is heavy.

Prevention: Rotation; initial stage of the disease with 50% chlorothalonil 500 times solution or 64% anti-virus WP WP 400-600 times solution or 40% phlegm WP 1500 times solution spray. Spray once every 7 to 10 days, and spray continuously for 3 to 4 times.

2, onion rust

Mainly harmful leaves, stems, pedicels. Initially orange or dark brown sore spots, after which orange or dark brown powder. The spore germination temperature was 9-18 °C, and the germination rate was significantly lower than 24 °C. The temperature was low, the fertilizer was insufficient and the growth was poor.

Prevention and control: apply sufficient organic fertilizer and increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; use the enemy to take 3000 times liquid or 50% chlorothalonil WP 500 times solution or 20% triadimefon emulsifiable concentrate 50 ml per mu, 5~ Spray once a day for 7 times and continuously spray 2 to 3 times.

3, onion soft rot

A bacterial disease caused by bacteria. High temperature and high humidity, mechanical injury, and insect mouth injury are likely to cause disease epidemics. The symptoms of the disease are that the upper part of the onion is lodging, the lower part of the bulb is rotten, easy to pull up, and has a foul smell.

Prevention: Keep the onion field drained smoothly, do not accumulate water after the rain; timely control underground pests to prevent disease transmission, avoid damage to onion stems and leaves when soiling. In the case of onset, it can be controlled by chemicals. It can be controlled by spraying 77% of the particles, 500% of the solution, 72% of the streptomycin sulfate 3000 times, and 20% of the thiazolone 2000-3000 times.

4, onion horse

The adult body is 1.2 to 1.4 mm long, which is the heart leaf and tender bud of the onion. When the temperature is below 25 ° C and the relative humidity is below 60%, the onion thrips occur.

Prevention: 2.5% enemy killing emulsifiable oil 1500-2000 times liquid or 18% 蚜虱 clean WP 2000 times liquid spray control.

5, leaf miner

The larvae feed on the mesophyll tissue and eat the mesophyll, which causes a decrease in yield and quality, and at the same time spreads the disease. The area is in danger from mid-May to the end of October.

Control: 40% of green vegetable treasure emulsifiable oil 1000 ~ 1200 times liquid, speed Kai 1500 times liquid or insecticidal 3000 times or cyper ester 2000 times liquid spray. The time of administration is appropriate in the morning.

6, garlic clams

Hazard characteristics: The larvae plunged into the onion bulbs to feed, causing the bulbs to rot, and the leaves were yellow and wilting and died. During the formation of onion bulbs, the insect is seriously damaging.

Habits of life: 3 to 4 generations occur in the north in the first year, and wintering in the soil or in the manure pile. Adults appear in early spring, tend to be rot, and lay eggs on onion and bulbs. The egg period is 3 to 5 days, and the bulb is drilled after hatching.

Control method:

(1) Avoid using raw manure, and the farmyard manure should be fully decomposed and evenly applied. Do not use dilute feces when the damage occurs, and apply 2 times of ammonia water before the bulb formation period to reduce the damage.

(2) Using sweet and sour liquid to trap adult worms. The preparation method is as follows: the ratio of sugar, vinegar and water is 1:1:2.5, add a small amount of trichlorfon and mix well, pour it in a bowl with sawdust, and put it on the onion to catch it during the sunny day.

(3) Control with chemical agents: When the soil is prepared, it can be mixed with phoxim 1~1.5 kg into toxic soil and then ploughed into the ground. It can also treat other underground pests. When the field adults lay eggs, use 48% lesbian emulsifiable concentrate 1500. Double liquid or 2.5% enemy kill 3000 times liquid spray control, spray once every 7 days, even spray 2~3 times, or use 50% phoxim emulsifiable concentrate 1000 times solution or 40% scorpion emulsifiable concentrate 1500 times solution Killing.

Seven, timely harvest

The onion enters the summer, the sunshine is more than 14 hours, the temperature is above 26 °C, the leaves of the onion gradually turn yellow from top to bottom, the pseudo stem becomes soft, and some plants fall down, indicating that the harvest period is reached.

Determine the harvesting period standard: generally determine the lodging rate of the plant, when the lodging rate of the early maturing plant is 30% to 40%, it can be harvested, and the late ripening rate can be harvested when the lodging rate reaches 70%; it can also be determined according to the degree of dryness of the outer leaves. The first and second leaves close to the ground are completely dry, the tips of the third and fourth leaves have turned yellow by half, and the leaves are harvested when they are still green. When the harvest period is approaching and the weather is cloudy, it should be harvested before the rain falls.

At the time of harvesting, it is necessary to reduce the damage of the outer leaves and onions, and to dry in time to promote early entry into the dormant period. The faster you enter the dormancy period, the longer the sleep time and the longer the storage time.

In order to prolong the storage and supply period, 0.25% of fresh green pigment can also be sprayed about 15 days before onion harvesting, which is convenient for bulb absorption. After most of the pseudo stems are lodging, the leaves are harvested, and after harvesting, they are stored for 5-7 days to start storage or sale.

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