How to prevent piglets? The symptoms and prevention measures of swine fever

Pork chop is one of the biggest “killers” on the farm. Because it is highly contagious and fatal, if the pigs on the farm are uncontrollable, the income of the farmers may all be soaked.瘟 Prevention work is very important.


Overview of piglets

Swine fever, also known as pig cholera, is commonly known as sputum in China. It is an acute heat and contact infectious disease caused by swine fever. It is unusual for pigs to spread between other animals only between pigs. Of course, this pig also includes wild boar. The sick pig is the main source of infection. One pig in the pig house is sick and the other pigs are susceptible to infection. Once it is found that it needs to be isolated immediately, the piglets are mainly infected through the digestive tract and respiratory tract.

Symptoms of swine fever

What are the symptoms of pigs that are most concerned about pigs? This piglet is divided into typical and atypical

Piglets and weaned piglets are mainly called atypical swine fever with low fever and intractable diarrhea as the main symptoms.

Boars and sows are less likely to have typical swine fever, but sometimes they are invisible and poisonous, which has a certain impact on the reproductive performance of sows. It usually causes abortion, stillbirth, miscarriage, and weak birth.

In general, the most common piglets we see occur in nursery pigs and shelf pigs. The most obvious feature is the increase in body temperature and the large number of sick pigs (simply said that pigs are afraid of cold-stacking). Diarrhea and constipation appear across. The urine yellow boar has a urine accumulation, and there is a foul odor and turbid liquid flowing out during extrusion. According to the general experience, many farmers have disease and disease, and have no effect. In the middle and late stages of the diseased pig, the skin of the pig's ear and the extremities are treated, and even the whole body's skin will have bleeding spots, bleeding spots or hair. Red-yellow, the incidence rate is 100%, and the mortality rate is as high as 80%.


Treatment of swine fever

1. Strengthen feeding management, try to self-support and self-support, and strengthen the disinfection of pig house environment, and make harmless treatment of sick pigs, wastes, sewage, etc.

2. Do a good job in vaccine prevention and control for swine fever in pig farms.

3. Emergency immunization of supposedly healthy pigs or threatened pigs on the farm.

Tips: When pregnant sows are infected, reproductive problems such as miscarriage and stillbirth can occur. This disease can occur regardless of the age and variety of the pigs.

The above is all about the prevention and control of swine fever brought by If you want to know more details, please pay attention to our Hui Nong network!

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