What to eat at night can lose weight

Without restraint in the daily diet, it is very easy to cause the body's fat to accumulate and become obese. In particular, overeating in the evening and lack of exercise make it more likely to become obese. So, what can you eat at night to lose weight? Here are some foods suitable for

Dietary Contraindications for 40 Common Disorders

Once a person suffers from a certain disease, in order to restore health, there are many taboos in the diet. Try to eat foods that are beneficial to your condition, and do not eat foods that can adversely affect your condition. What are the dietary taboos of common

How to carry out water pollution management of pollution-free beans

How to carry out water pollution management of pollution-free beans, the result is the beginning of the whole pod period: When the first flower market flowers the pod, after several inflorescences appear, it is necessary to pour the foot water. After the head water, the middle and lower pod

Chemical composition of grass fruit

chemical composition

The fruit contains volatile oil. The main components of oil are α-pinene, β-pinenen, 1,8-cineole, ρ-cyme Hydrocarbons (ρ-cymene), linaloolo, α-terpineol, nerolidol, nonanal, capric aldehyde, trans

How to control broccoli black spot

For the control of broccoli black spot, it is best to choose the disease-free zone to keep the seed, or to leave the seed on the disease-free seedlings to prevent the seeds from contaminating. Before sowing, use a temperature of 55°C for soaking and soaking for 20 minutes. Immediately m

Jasmine cultivation techniques

Jasmine, also known as jasmine, is a plant of the genus Oleaceae. Jasmine green leaves, white flowers, rich aroma, is the most common aromatic potted plants.

Jasmine is native to India and Arabia. The central production area is near the Persian Gulf and is now widely planted in sub

Prevention and cure of zucchini

Symptoms: abnormal enlargement of the middle or top of the zucchini fruit

Etiology: Although it has been pollinated, the fruit is incompletely fertilized, and seeds are only formed at the apex. Since auxin is produced during seed development, more nutrients are transported to this

Xia Shi pesticide "six do not"

Do not use sewage to dispense drugs: there are many impurities in the sewage, it is easy to block the nozzle by using it, and it can also destroy the suspension of the drug and cause precipitation.

Do not use well water to dispense medicine: well water contains more minerals. When t