Rainy days, vegetables, yellow leaves should pay attention

Symptoms such as yellow leaves, small leaves, falling flowers and fruit drop are related to deficiency, and this phenomenon is spreading year by year. After expert analysis, there are mainly the following reasons.

First, there are more clo

Skillful multi-flavored walnut

Walnut kernel is rich in fat, protein, carbohydrate and a variety of minerals and vitamins. It has the functions of nourishing the lungs, moistening the intestines, treating cold and cough, and relieving pain in the lower back. It is an ideal health care food. At present, there are few other p

Live to Huo Guan Yuan

Guanyuan Point is a very famous longevity point in traditional medicine. Guan Yuan points 3 inches below the navel, which is the distance from the navel to the width of the next palm (that is, 4 fingers are close together). According to traditional Chinese medicine, Gu

Roasted sweet potato planting management technology

1. Deep tillage and ridge

Planting sweet potatoes requires deep and loose soil layers. It is good to plough the farmer's fertilizer, and the farmer's fertilizer is 2800-3000. Ridge cultivation can deepen the tillage to promote root

Cedilla will develop targeted non-drug protein drugs

Today, protein degradation company Cedilla announced that it has acquired Thirdrock's $56.2 million Series A financing, which will use protein degradation technology to develop targeted non-medicinal protein drugs. Unlike other

Rose planting management technology

Rose flowers are born in the bushes of roadsides, fields or hills. Wild rose is naturally distributed in the riverside, roadside and gardenside, corners, etc., often densely clustered, full of splendid, light rain or after the dew, the petals are

The first result is better for apples.

A: The initial results of apple tree fertilization should be heavy phosphorus with nitrogen and potassium. The purpose of fertilization at this stage is to promote the flower bud differentiation of fruit trees, to strengthen flower buds, to streng

Can peach orchard mix apple trees?

A: Peach trees are characterized by early maturity, fast branching, and hi light. The 3-year-old peach tree canopy is 3 to 4 times that of apple trees and pear tree crowns of the same age, which will affect the growth and development of other frui