Durian shell function and effect

Durian shell effect:

Durian shell is also called durian skin, medlar shell, musk husk husk, durian shell has blood circulation, cold, relieve dysmenorrhea, kidney yang effect, durian shell treatment of cold abdomen, blood deficiency deficiency should be premature whitening effect, food law Durian shell ribs soup, Durian shell Wuji Tang, Durian shell corn bone soup.

Name: Durian Shell

Aliases: Gardenia, Hibiscus Fruit

Taste: Sim, sweet, hot.

Gui: After the liver, kidney, lung three classics.

Efficacy: blood circulation, cold, relieve dysmenorrhea, physical fitness, spleen qi, kidney yang, warm body

Indications: cold abdomen, blood deficiency deficiency should be made early white, aging, wind-heat, jaundice, cramps, skin itching embolism


The role of durian shell:

1. Durian has high nutritional value. Regular consumption can strengthen your health, strengthen spleen and replenish qi, strengthen kidney, strengthen the body, and warm the body. It is a fruit that nourishes and helps; Durian is hot, it can promote blood circulation and dispel cold, ease menstrual pain, and is especially suitable for suffering from dysmenorrhea. Female consumption; it can also improve the abdomen cold, promote body temperature rise, is the ideal supplement for cold body.

2, "Ci Hai" and "Compendium of Materia Medica" all said that the durian "can be used medicinally, sweet and warm, non-toxic, attending violence and henchmen." Although durian is rich in nutrients, with spleen qi, Bushen impotence The efficacy, but it is not suitable for everyone, should not eat more when a cold, high blood pressure, diabetes patients should not eat, but can not eat with wine at the same time.

3, durian is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates and cellulose, in addition also contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, nicotinic acid, inorganic calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, Selenium, etc., is a tropical fruit with high nutrient density and balance. Modern medical experiments have shown that a proteolytic enzyme contained in the sap and skin of durian can promote the penetration of drugs to the lesions, have anti-inflammatory and anti-edema, and improve blood circulation.

4. The proteolytic enzyme extracted from durian sap and pericarp enhances the hydrolysis of fibrin in the body after oral administration, dissolves the blood clot, improves the local circulation of body fluids, eliminates inflammation and edema, and can be used clinically as an antibiotic. Edema and anti-inflammatory drugs. Combined with antibiotics and chemotherapeutic drugs, durian protease can promote the penetration of drugs to the lesions and can be used for inflammation, edema, and thrombosis caused by various causes, such as bronchitis, acute pneumonia, mastitis, and retinitis. According to reports, Durian peel has a good effect on treating pruritus.

5. Nourishing yin and yang: Durian has high nutritional value. It contains high sugar content and contains 11% starch, 13% sugar, 3% protein, and a variety of vitamins, fats, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Durable friends can eat durian, durian can supplement the body needs the energy and nutrition, to achieve physical fitness, nourishing yin and yang. Post-illness and postpartum women can be used to nourish the body.

6, constipation cure: Durian contains very rich dietary fiber, can promote bowel movements, treat constipation. However, it should be noted that eating durian to cure constipation requires drinking more boiled water. Otherwise, the rich fiber can absorb water and suck the water in the intestines, which makes it even more difficult.

7, enhance immunity: Durian fruit in the full range of amino acids, rich in content, in addition to tryptophan, it also contains 7 essential amino acids, of which glutamate content is particularly high. Animal experiments have further proved that glutamic acid is an important precursor of nucleic acids, nucleotides, amino sugars and proteins involved in its anabolism, can improve the body's immune function, regulate body acid-base balance, and improve the body's ability to adapt to stress. . The durian fruit has a strong tonic effect on the human body, in addition to containing a wealth of beneficial elements such as zinc, it should also be synergistic with its aroma components and other nutrients.

8, treatment of dysmenorrhea: Durian nutritional value is many, it can also relieve dysmenorrhea oh! Because durian is a hot fruit, so after eating can play blood circulation, cold, relieve the effects of menstrual pain, especially suitable for body cold dysmenorrhea cold mm eat . At the same time, the durian heat can improve the coldness of the abdomen and promote the increase of body temperature, which is very helpful to the cold constitutional friends.


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