Effect and role of leeks and food taboos

The efficacy and role of leeks

Increase appetite

The leek contains volatile essential oils of botanicals that have the effect of increasing appetite. Elderly people, children, pregnant women and other people can eat spring boils properly, which is good for health promotion.

Yigan stomach

Leeks contain special components such as volatile essential oils and sulphides, emitting a unique spicy odor that helps to regulate liver qi. Leek with warm, stomachic effect, for the spleen and stomach Deficiency, vomiting food less, or sputum nausea, chest pain. Increase appetite and enhance digestive function.

Spring to eat leek Qi nourishing kidney liver. In spring, the human body's liver is lean, which affects the digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach. In spring, the emphasis is on raising liver. At this time, eating more leeks can enhance the spleen and stomach of the body and benefit liver function.



Leek contains a lot of vitamins and crude fiber can promote bowel movements and help the body digest. Not only can prevent habitual constipation and bowel cancer, but also can wrap up some of the digestive tract in the digestive tract, excreted with the stool, so it is also known as "herb grass" in the folk.

Scattered blood circulation

Leek has the effect of stasis, blood circulation, and detoxification, which is beneficial to the body's lowering of blood lipids, prevention of coronary heart disease, anemia, and arteriosclerosis.

Amaranth is also used for chest pain caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis, epigastric pain, or blood loss and blood stasis, or bruises, blood stasis, pain, can be used with fresh leek kneading juice and brown sugar, or flour and flour into Paste, apply the affected area.

Sterilization and anti-inflammatory

The sulfur compounds contained in leeks have certain bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, and can inhibit Pseudomonas aeruginosa, dysentery, typhoid fever, E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

Skin care eyesight

Leek is rich in vitamin A, eat more can not only beauty skin care, eyesight and lungs, but also reduce the risk of colds, cold breath and other diseases.

Kidney-Wind Yang

Leek for the kidney yang deficiency waist pain, impotence nocturnal emission or enuresis and other cards. The leek is warm and spicy, but there is no aphrodisiac ingredient;

The taboo crowd of leeks

Those who suffer from eye diseases are cautious; those who have impotence and heat disorders should not eat.

The nutritional value of leeks

As determined by modern nutritionists, each 100 g of leeks contains 2.1 g of protein, 0.6 g of fat, 3.2 g of carbohydrates, 48 ​​mg of calcium, 46 mg of phosphorus, 1.7 mg of iron, 3.21 mg of carotene, 0.03 mg of thiamine, Riboflavin 0.09 mg, ascorbic acid 39 mg. It also contains volatile substances such as thiopropylene and bactericidal substances methyl allicin, which also have high vitamin and crude fiber content.

Leek is also rich in cellulose, which is higher than green onions and celery. It is more chewy and can be used to exercise chewing muscles. It can promote gastrointestinal motility and prevent habitual constipation. These dietary fibers can also excrete gravel in the digestive tract. Therefore, it is also known as "herb grass."

The unique pungent odor of leeks is formed by the sulphides they contain. These sulphides have a certain bactericidal anti-inflammatory effect and help the body to improve its immunity.

Greenhouse Wiggle Wire

Wiggle wire lock is designed to be used with poly lock base cap- sold separately. Greenhouse wiggle wire and base care are an effective method of attaching your poly film roof and or shade cloth. The greenhouse wiggle wire lock will hold form 4 mil to 20 mil thickness of material. Use one wire to hold the roof in place and then add a second wire to hold your shade cloth. When it is time to remove the shade cloth, you will not disturb the roof plastic.
Universal Base (WIG2000)- used on the curved surface, i.e. the arch for attaching the end wall covering.
Standard Base (WIG1000) - used along the straight lengths of your greenhouse.

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