Fish ponds should not be planted

Some mariculturists like to grow some aquatic plants such as oysters and oysters in fish ponds to increase their income per unit area. In fact, this practice is unscientific. Even if the planting of rhizomes and oysters is synchronized with the stocking of small-scale fish species, aquatic plants have been harvested in the year, but the fish has been greatly reduced in output, which is not worth the candle. 1. During the seedling period, such as larvae and loquats, it is the enhanced vigor of the herbivorous fishes and their vigorous consumption. Fresh sprouts are just their good baits and can be eaten by fish when they are severe. Second, the larvae and cockroaches have extremely strong ability to deliver, and the area covered by the leaves is large. When the volume is large, the entire pond can be covered so that the water can not receive the sunlight, so the water temperature is not raised. At low water temperatures, the fish’s activity and feeding capacity weakened and the growth rate was very slow. Third, the leaves of loquat and loquat floating on the water will affect the photosynthesis of microorganisms in the water. It will make the water quality of fish ponds age, and the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease, which will easily cause flooding of fish ponds. 4. When aquatic plants die, a large number of residual stems and leaves will sink to the bottom of the pond. When it is rotted, many toxic and harmful substances will be produced, which will be extremely unfavorable to fish growth and even result in the death of fish. 5. Fish ponds are full of aquatic plants such as oysters and clams, and are not convenient for staging and catching fish in batches. In addition to water and economic plants such as water chestnuts, lotus root, citrus aurantium, and alfalfa grass, fishponds should not be stocked in large numbers, such as water hyacinth, water peanuts, water lettuce, and lycopodium.

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