How to raise chickens in biogas slurry

When the chicken grows to more than 0.3 kilograms, it can begin to feed with biogas slurry. General feed can be mixed. The biogas slurry should be well-mixed, and the amount of water should not be dry or wet.

Take biogas slurry from the digester outlet to take fresh biogas slurry from the middle layer. Take the foam on the surface of the biogas slurry before taking it, take the middle serum, filter it through the gauze, and stir it in the chicken food.

Biogas digesters that have been used for normal gas production and have been used for more than 3 months can be used. No gas pool or diseased pool must be taken for liquid feeding.

The amount of biogas slurry should be appropriate. If the ratio of biogas slurry to feed is greater than 1:1, the chicken will experience diarrhea.

medical dressing products

Medical dressings include natural gauze, synthetic fiber dressings, polymer film dressings, foamed polycluster dressings, hydrocolloid dressings, alginate dressings, and the like.
Medical dressings are medical materials used to cover sores, wounds or other damages. With the in-depth study of the pathophysiology of the wound healing process, people's understanding of the wound healing process has become more and more profound, which has led to the continuous improvement and development of medical wound dressings. Compared with the early days, the new wound care dressings have undergone revolutionary changes, and a variety of medical dressings with different properties are available for clinical nurses to choose. Alginate dressing is the most advanced medical dressing in the world. Alginate dressings are one of the most advanced medical dressings available. Alginate medical dressing, a functional wound dressing with high absorption performance composed of alginate. After the medical film contacts the wound exudate, it can form a soft gel, which provides an ideal moist environment for wound healing, promotes wound healing, and relieves wound pain.

Synthetic fiber dressings, polymer film dressings, foamed polycluster dressings, hydrocolloid dressings, alginate dressings

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