How will mango get angry or cause kidney disease after eating too much?

Mango is cool, contains high sugar, protein, crude fiber, etc. It is rich in nutrients. So what kind of nutritious fruit is the better it is eaten? What happens when mango is eaten? The answer below is for you!

What will happen if eating too much mangos


Solar dermatitis caused by eating mango is common in patients with eczema, asthma, urticaria, and so on. If you have eaten mangoes, then go through the sun's exposure, followed by solar dermatitis. It must take 2 to 5 days for the condition to develop symptoms, and if it does, it will not exceed 24 hours.

Allergic constitution (the serum contains a large number of substances involved in the body's allergic reaction, immunoglobulin E (IgE), the content of which is several times or even several times higher than that of normal people). A series of allergic reactions.


Excessive consumption of mangoes can cause abdominal distension. The phenomenon of this condition can be very different for different body systems. Bloating is a digestive system symptom. If you have gastroenteritis or poor gastro-intestinal function, you must eat less or not eat mango.

Bad kidneys

Although the nutritional value of mango is high, but it can not be eaten in large quantities, because mango is not conducive to the health of the kidneys, patients suffering from acute and chronic nephritis should eat less mango.


Eat more mangoes are easy to have a sense of satiety, they contain very rich sugar, crude fiber, protein, eat more easily belly full.


Do mangoes get angry when they eat more?

Mangoes will get angry when they eat too much, not because they are tropical fruits, but because of the high sugar content, they do not break down, but they can take vitamin B for conditioning.

This is not because the mango itself will get angry, but because of the high sugar content, if a large amount of sugar is not broken down in time, it will lead to getting angry. Of course, we must make adjustments according to different people's physique, because each person has different absorption ability of sugar, and the degree of ignition will be different.

Does eating mangoes cause kidney disease?

Eating too much mango does not cause kidney disease.

The cause of kidney disease is not that mangoes eat too much, because kidney disease is an allergic disease. However, if you have kidney disease, you should eat less mango. The cause of kidney disease is the large damage of the kidney itself, and a large number of Newtown metabolites and endocrine hormones in the body cannot be excreted, eventually resulting in excessive accumulation of toxins in the body. Eventually, long-term accumulation causes a dramatic increase in toxins in the body.

In the diet of IGA nephritis, the intake of protein is forcibly limited, and the large amount of protein contained in mangoes can cause kidney burden and increase kidney disease when eating too much mango, so these people are not suitable for eating mangoes.

Mango edible crowd and taboo

Qi deficiency and eat less

Chinese medicine said, people with deficiency of spleen deficiency, not suitable for eating more mangoes, because mango is cool, after eating too much can reduce gastrointestinal motility, after eating too much will cause adverse effects, resulting in abdominal distension, poor stomach function People eat less.

Allergies are unfit for human consumption

Some people with allergies cannot eat mangoes. After eating mangoes, they may have red spots and vomiting and diarrhea. However, fruit flesh rarely causes allergies. Generally, the fruit juice stays on the skin for a long time, causing serious irritant effects and triggering an allergic reaction.

Suffering from humidity, unfit for human consumption

If you often have eczema, pus, gynecological diseases (abnormal vaginal discharge), medical problems (edema, etc.), some illnesses that are related to moisture, or if your body is very wet, then you should reduce the amount of mango that you eat. This will increase the body's moisture.

In addition, people with weak qi (insufficiency of gas) and people with spleen deficiency are not eating mangoes, and children are not suitable for eating mangoes. Such people have pale complexion, poor health, poor digestive system, and slow bowel movements.

Unripe mango can not eat

Without mature mangoes, do not eat, and severe cases can also lead to loss of language ability. This is because some secretory substances contained in mangoes have a strong stimulation of the throat.

Not suitable to eat with spicy food

If mangoes are eaten together with spicy foods (such as garlic, etc.), it will lead to "yellowish disease," because mango and spicy foods are consumed at the same time, it will cause the liver to bear weight, causing the face yellow, liver unhealthy.

Do not eat mango during menstruation

Mangoes have the effect of stopping bleeding. If you eat mangoes during menstruation, it will cause menstrual blood to be blocked and forcibly stop the bleeding to make the body appear unhealthy.

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