Low cholesterol reduces the risk of hemorrhagic stroke

Low cholesterol reduces the risk of hemorrhagic stroke

July 09, 2019 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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Science and Technology Daily, Washington, July 6 (Reporter Liu Haiying) Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) is considered a "bad" cholesterol, and its elevated levels increase the risk of heart disease. But too low LDL-C levels are not good. A new study from Pennsylvania State University shows that LDL-C levels are too low and may increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

The study conducted a nine-year follow-up survey of more than 96,000 participants. These participants did not have a history of stroke, heart disease or cancer at the start of the study. The researchers measured the LDL-C levels of these individuals every year and recorded whether they had a hemorrhagic stroke.

Participants found that participants with LDL-C levels between 70 and 99 mg/dl (mg/dl) had similar risk of developing hemorrhagic stroke. However, when the LDL-C level drops below 70 mg/dl, the risk of developing a hemorrhagic stroke is significantly increased. Participants with LDL-C levels below 50 mg/dl had a 16% higher risk of developing hemorrhagic stroke than those with indicators between 70 and 99 mg/dl. After removing the influencing factors such as age, gender, blood pressure and medication, the conclusion that LDL-C level is too low will increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke is still valid.

The researchers point out that for the general population, LDL-C levels are around 100 mg/dl, which is the healthiest level. For people with higher risk of heart disease, it is more appropriate to maintain relatively low LDL-C levels. Some health guidelines also recommend lowering cholesterol levels to reduce the risk of heart disease. New research suggests that LDL-C levels are also at risk, leading to an increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke. This reminds people that when determining the ideal cholesterol index of the individual, it is the key to balance the moderation and balance.

Related research results have recently been published in the journal Neurology.

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